The Elevator Murder

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I was on a beach with my friend when we decided to race back to school. We ran dow the hill to the building singing Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin while passing by a group of teachers. My friend was faster than me, so when she ran into school and started running up the stairs, I just took the elevator.

As the doors were closing I saw her turn back and stare at me before at me before screaming as loud as she could. She bolted towards me in an attempt to get through before the doors closed all the way. She almost made it, but her leg got stuck in-between the two doors. She struggled to get it out and skin gets ripped of her leg as she wiggled her way into the elevator. She fell to the floor in a pool of her own blood before looking up to me with a murderous expression. She then grabbed hold of my ankle and pulled me towards her while screaming:

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" referring to her bloody, skinless thigh

Then I woke up.

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