I was stalked by a hallucination

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In my dream I lived alone with my 6 y/o sister, and I kept seeing this other person in the house. I would look behind me and this smiling gray face would disappear behind a door. My sister didn't understand or see anything, so she though I was weird, but not crazy. Anyway, a priest came over or something and forced me to move out. I guess I freaked everybody out.

I ended up going to a skiing resort with my friends, we were all in this car. I was bugging everyone in the backseat by putting my legs over everybody else (which, to be fair, is totally something I normally do) and I fell asleep. I woke up, and we were running to make it to a train. And then I was alone? idk. Ended up going on the wrong train or something, but after a few hours I did find some of my friends. It's worth mentioning that these aren't friends I have in rl. I have no clue who these people are irl. And then the gray-faced-hallucination-monster was back? And I woke up? This dream was a lot more unclear compared to my other dreams. Maybe because I hadn't slept for 48 hours at that point and was jet-lagged? 

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