October 4th

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"Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save, sinking in, getting smaller again, I'm done! It has begun! I'm not the only one!" I sang along to psychosocial by Slipknot it's one of my favourites songs on this planet. I was dancing around my small flat that I kinda can't afford but what the hell you only live once "YOLO" I yelled out to no one. Can you tell I'm slightly drunk but what the heck it's Friday.

I sang, dance around my flat for a good hour till I passed out on my bed from the Alcohol aren't I a classy lady...


'Beep, beep, beep'

Groaning I rolled over to my side to see what the fuck is making the worst noise in the fucking world! Opening my eye I am faced with the worst thing in the world sun light! I must have forgot to close my blinds last night... Oh well.

'Beep, beep, beep'

Slamming my fist on to the alarm clock to shut it up I slowly sit up and look around the flat everything is so high up from where I sleep. I sleep on the floor...well more like a mattress on the floor I can't afford a bed base but I like sleeping on the floor because if I have a guy over my neighbours don't have to hear the bed squeaking. And then I don't get the look of disgust from the old dogs in the building.

Standing up I walk to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee looking in to the coffee pot I see ants in there gross at least I can get a Starbucks on the way to work. I'm a hair dresser I've been doing hair since I was 14 that's when I started dying my hair I can't remember what my natural hair colour is because it's been so long since I've seen it.

Walking to my rack of cloth that I have put into a 'L' shape to give me privacy for when I sleep I pick out a long sleeve Skelton dress that goes to my middle thigh, my black stockings, my coffin hand bag, so of my crosses and studded jewellery and to pull the outfit together my red high heel snickers I love my heel I don't wear anything other than heels.

Looking in the mirror I run my fingers through my purple hair and try to flatten out my fringe but it's not working I turn my straightener on and start to put my face on I put on my white powder to make my face look whiter than it is so it make my brown eyes stand out as well as my piercing. I start to draw my eyebrows on I shaved then off when I was 14 and have drawn them no since I love drawing them on because I can have pink one day and the next green eyebrows then I quickly do my eye shadow and eyeliner. Then I start Straightening my fringe once it's done I put my black rose flower head band on a walk to the door to start my 20 minute walk to work let's hope today turns out good.


Walking to Starbucks I put my head phone in and started to scroll through my music "no, no, no, no, no. yes!" I said while walking past people they must thing I'm weird but what the hell I think the same thing. Walking into Starbucks I was hit with the sweet smell of coffee beans I just love Starbucks coffee there amazballs but that's just my opinion. Waiting for the person in front of me to hurry the fuck up what was that man ordering GOD! "next" I heard the woman behind the counter say I moved in front of her and placed my order I got a strong black coffee no cream, or sugar what I like my coffee strong.

Waiting for my order I heard a bunch of guys laughing about shit looking over at them I notice all of them where wearing black and have tattoos and piercings my type of guy but nah I'm too lazy to date.

Sitting at a table for I don't know an hour! but it was more like 2 minutes I hate waiting I kinda have ADHD but yeah I just can't sit still for long. I finally hear my name called "Violent" I giggled to myself I love using my nickname people look at me funny it makes my day.

Walking over to get my the guy before me grabs his friends and his drink that's why he took so long he was getting other peoples drinks duh... I'm so stupid sometimes grabbing my drink I started walking to the door with those guys be hide me I took a sip of my coffee and spat it back out all over the side walk.

"What the fuck is this shit" I mumbled this wasn't my black coffee it was so pumpkin shit drink "Yuck" I said while rubbing the taste of my tongue.

"What the fuck!" I heard someone say I turned around to see it was the tallest guy out of the group he had pale skin and was wearing misfit shirt, lever jacket, ripped jeans and combat boots. He was wearing makeup he had black eye shadow on and he had drawn on eye brows that wear better than mine! He also had his snakebites done with a vertical labret, he was also covered in tattoo... wow he must be a sex god.

"Who the fuck drinks coffee black with no sugar?" he asked one of his friends who shrugged I guess I found out who has my coffee

"HEY" I yelled out to him he looked at me with a perfect drawn on eye brow I am so fucking jealous of him with that. "What did you say about a coffee that was black?" I asked walking to him and his friends.

He looked around just to make sure I was talking to him "I said who drinks coffee black with no sugar?" he said like a question

"Well that would be me plus the cup says 'violent' on it so can I have my drink?" I said standing 2 feet away from him

"Wait what's the name on that cup in your hands?" he asked pointing to the cup in my hands

"Umm... It says Chris" I looked up at his face "you Chris?" I asked with a eyebrow raised

"Yep" he said taking the drink out of my hand and replacing it with mine "how can you drink that coffee?"

"Easy I just drink it with my mouth" I said in a duh tone he or should I say Chris rolled his deep brown eyes that held mystery.

"Ha, Ha, Ha" Chris said with sarcasm "Well thanks for giving back my drink...so um have a good day violent" he said with a smile then started to walk back to his friends.

"Well byes then Chris have a motionless day" I yelled out what I always say to people when I say goodbye. Then started my way to work.


Here's the link to here outfit also the pic on the side is violet please look at the outfit because I cant describe it that well


Thanks Ashleigh

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