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Running into my flat I quickly took my cloths off and jumped into the shower the water came on quickly but was freezing cold. I'll live jumping out of the shower I looked my iPhone to see that I have 30 minutes to get to Abby's to pick up Blake. Rushing to my corset cloth rack... Yeah I have a rack for each clothing item I have. In total I have 20 clothing rack that hold dresses, tops, pants, shorts, corsets, jacket, and other stuff but my prides Jules are my shoes I have over 50 pairs of shoe in this apartment and 50 more in my dads house what can I say I love shoes.

Grabbing my black sweet heart neckline lever corset that had studs on the sides, with my black ripped jean short shorts and my black thigh high stockings. That cover up a bit of my dream catcher tattoo on my right leg. sitting down on my bed I started to do my make up. Doing my black eye shadow and eyeliner also putting my fake eyelashes on to make my brown eyes stand out more. Starting to draw my eyebrows on my phone started blasting 'rebel yell' the black veil brides cover with indicates that Blake is calling me pressing accept I quick my phone on loud speaker.

"Hello" I said while starting my right eyebrow.

"Hey babe, How long to you get here?" I heard blacks deep voice reply

"I'm just finishing my eyebrows now I just have to grab my shoes and my jewelry and I'll be at your house in 20 ok" I send while finishing me left eye thank god I didn't wash of my eyebrows before so I could just go over them.

"Ok I'll be waiting ill just finished packing for your place" he reply while I went to my necklace stand and grab my 3D heart necklace that had stitches going down the middle. Putting my necklace on I grab my cross ring that goes over two finger and my cross upper earring. "So I'll see you in 20" he said then hanged up on me... no one hangs up on me with out saying good bye I'll hurt him later.

Grabbing my phone and heel I run out to my 1990 model black Honda hatchback what it was my sweet 16 car plus I can't afford a new car so I'm still driving it around. I really uses my car because I just walk to work because that's the only place I manly go to.


Pulling up at the front of Abby's place I hit the horn to show Blake that I'm here. Blake lives with Abby because their parents die a year ago so Abby's taking car of him with her husband. Jumping when I hear the car door open I turned and looked at Blake with a glare he just smiles at me. When you look at Blake you forget that he's a 15 year old boy but he looks like a 18 year old with his dark brown hair in that 'scene' boy hair look that he straightens everyday and his nice lightly tan skin that helps bring out his brown eyes when you cans see them because his hair falls over them all the time but it give him an adorable look but to make him that much hotter he has canine bites to bars on his upper lip and two horse shoe rings on his lower lip. He was wearing an asking Alexandra tee shirt that had the Union Jack in blue, purple and green with a monster eating it. With his ripped skinny jeans and black converse. He was also wearing his band wristbands. It's funny when you look at him you would think he was an asshole like Abby but he's the sweetest guy you would meet only if he was 10 years older.

"Hey sweetie" I said leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. We have a cute relationship I've know him since he was 5 and I was 13 he always said I was his girlfriend. when he got older he still treats me like a girlfriend by giving me hugs, kisses on the cheek, help me when I'm sad. So he's still my boyfriend.

"Hey" he said with a smile that showed his dimples thAt mad him ten times cuter "thanks for coming tonight violet and thanks for letting me stay at your place" he said while doing the hair flip I make him do.

"It's ok ill do anything for you. Your my boy toy after all" I said with a smirk. He hates when I call him that.

"Shut up" he mumbled while looking down looks like someone blushing.


Pulling into the car park at the front of the pub. I quickly but my boots on that are heel with chains going across them if you haven't already guessed I love heels I wear them every day and I always wear them. All my heels have 6" on them to make me look taller with out heels I'm 5'1 but with them I'm 5'7 so I'm happy to be taller in heels.

"Are you really wearing heels to a motionless in white concert?" Blake asked while leaning against the car door zipping up my heel I stood up and came just to his lip for a 15 year old he is tall he's 5'9 and is still growing.

"Yes I'm wearing them If I can run, jump, dance in them. Then I can wear them if you're that worried about me falling over you can hold my hand" I said locking the car and started walking to the line. But Blake grabbed my hand and walked with me to be the line.

While walking I saw a lot of teens here most of them wear motionless in white tee and some wear asking Alexandra tops I wasn't wearing any so I kinda stood out.

Some girls where looking at me will what I think jealousy but why I'm just human. Feeling the cold air hit my skin I shivered hearing a small chuckle I felt Blake rap his arms around me and pull me close to his chest. To people we must look like a couple but to us we are just best friends.


Finally being let in we walked into the pub which and a stage room at the back that could over 400 people the pub was big. Me and Blake where in the middle of the room we didn't want to be in the front so you can get a broken rib by leaning and being pushed on the gate trusted me I got a broken rib by doing that.

While we where waiting people started to chant 'A A' which me and Blake gladly did as well.

When asking Alexandra ran out everyone screamed really loud for them Danny walked to the microphone and greeted everyone with a big "how the fuck is everyone doing tonight" he yelled into the microphone which made everyone cheer louder including me.

"This songs called 'the death of me' it's off our new album" he yelled then the guitars started to play and soon everyone was head banging, jumping or moshing together.


After asking Alexandra finished their set the stage hands were getting motionless in white gear on stage.

"I still can't believe you can jump in those shoe" Blake asked in amazement while looking at my feet.

"It's a gift my friend" I looked around and saw the stage hands quickly posting the 'MIW' logo in the background "so what are these guys names I don't know who is in this band or what they look like" I yelled into Blake ear while everyone chanted 'Motionless' Blake look at me weird but then looked to the stage where some guy with drums sticks in his hands.

"That's 'rage' he's the drummer" black yell into my ear next walked out two guys with guitars around their necks "that's Ricky horror" he said pointing to a guy with spider bites "and that's Ryan he's lead guitarist"

Next walked out a guy with curly hair and looked like he was Johnny deep "that's 'ghost' he's plays base" after him a guy walked out and with a wha looked like claw marks but more close together and a blue colored contact that stands out."that's 'balz' he's the keyboardist" Blake said into my ear.

"And finally Chris Motionless the lead sing of motionless in white" Blake said while the guy ran on stage the fans went wild for him. But he looked familiar.

"You mother fuckers ready to rock?" He yelled out to the fans finally seeing his face I gasped

"What's wrong vi?" Blake asked me worried

"That's the guy that took my coffee"


Pic on the side of Blake ----->

Link of her out fit here



And all that

Xx AshleighAesthetic

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