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"Hello and welcome to oh its you" Abby started to say the greeting we say to the costumers but she say it was me and this is the greetings I get. "your late" she stated.

"Well hello to you to miss Abigail. how are you today?" I replied ignoring the statement and using the name I gave her she hate the name Abigail but she hates it more when I sing 'Abigail' by motionless in white to her but the song says everything about her she is a witch after all. but I love her she's one of my best friends Abigail or 'Abby' is my married friend she is a living pin up girl but with light pink hair she has a nice pale skin tone but not the same pale skin tone I am. she loves the colour pink and she has her right sleeve done with all these cute tattoos that make her look ten times cuter but she is one of the biggest bitches you will meet but that's why I love her she tells you how it is.

"why are you late you first costumer is here and is pissed that she had to wait 20 minutes" she said with a sigh while she rubbed her temples she for a pregnant woman that six month preggers with her first baby her and her husband Liam are so excited to be parents they are such odd couple she has pink hair he has brown, she has tattoo he has none' she wear fake glasses he wears real glasses but their differences make the that much more cuter. "get to work I need to sit down this dam baby is to big for me to keep walking on my dam feet" she said while sitting down be hide the desk.

"go on maternity leave and leave the shop in my hands you cant be doing hair appointments if your feet are killing you. YOU are carrying a baby that must way 20 pounds so go ill take care of your shop ill be the best person to take care of it" I said to her while holding her face in my hands "so sit here all and greet people with the best fake smile you have and make appointments for people because I'm taking your clients from now on got it?" I asked her she just nodded her head in response "good" I said while walking to the back to drop my things off then to start my day off cutting, colouring and listening to people... so much fun!


"my little hate fuck, my little hate fuck" I sang along to hate fuck by motionless in white we have music playing but the music we play is screamo, rock ,alternative, punk. I love my job I get to listen to my favourite songs colour peoples hair and help them express them selves through their hair.

"violet sweetie, you know how much I love you and how much you love me?" I heard Abby's voice call from the stairs where I was cleaning up the mess I made I had to make over 20 different colours today I've been here for 9 hours and I haven't had a lunch break I'm about to go home soon anyway.

"what do you want Abigail?" I asked while washing the last bowl that held hair dye.

"I forgot I had a hair cut appointment in 20 minutes but I need to go home to get ready for dinner with my sister and brother" I said while leaning agents the door I gave out a small sigh

"sure but then I'm going home to sleep" I said walking past her to get the broom to start cleaning the work floor the only nose you could hear were my heel 'clicking' across the wooden floor.

"umm about that... I was wondering if you could that Blake to a concert tonight because I was going to take him but I'm six months preggers and I don't want to be in a mosh pit" she said while in the back room getting her stuff. I gave out a loud groan

"Fine but this is only because I love Blake he's like my boyfriend so Ill go for him" I said while sweeping the floor "but what band is playing?"

"umm its a motionless in white concert and the supporting art is asking Alexandra so it will be a good concert" she said making her way to the door." by the way it starts at 8 and its 5 now so come to my place at 7 and can Blake also stay at your place because I have a doctors appointment with Liam about the baby so can you please take him to school for me?" she asked with the puppy dog look

"fine ok he can stay at my place but he's going to be late for school because I'm going to have to take him out to breakfast because I have no food" I said looking at her

"thank you ill get him ready when I get home thank you sweetie love you bye!" she said while walking out the door.

sighing for what feel like the ten thousands time today I looked up at the clock I have only 10 minutes to the client comes in may as well start packing up.



I sat up and looked to the door where the man came in looking at him he looked filmier but what ever "Hi welcome to City light cuts how can I help you" I said with a smile on my face

"hi I have an appointment for Chris" he said taking his sunglasses off wait...oh this is the guy that took my coffee "wait your take girl that took my coffee this morning" he sad looking at me with a small smile.

"yeah and your the guy that took my coffee" I said give him a play fool snick eye. "well come with me and ill get you set up" I said leading him to a chair in front of the mirror that had a sticker ghost on it.

"haha ghost in a mirror that's gold" Chris said while laughing wait this guy knows motionless in white?!

"most people don't get that you must know of motionless in white to get the joke" I said while putting the black gone over him "so what do you want to day?" I asked while looking at him in the mirror

"just a trim and if you could put the word 'ICE' on the back of my head where its shaved" he asked while biting he lip ring... that was sexy

"yeah sure" I said getting started on his hair "by the way im ten time jealous that you can do your eyebrows better then me" I said with a small laugh

"thanks it take a lot of practices to get them the right I still have trouble with it" he said with a small laugh to which mad me smile. "how long have you been doing yours?" he asked

"since I was 14 waxed them off without my dad knowing but he found out when he saw me with no make up but he let me draw them on because it made me look different and he said that I should always be different from the world and to express my self" I said with a smile while thinking back to my dad laughing when he first saw me with no eyebrows.

"really I was 20 when I did it but I went to a sticked school so I couldn't do it" he replied. while I was starting the I in his shaved part. Just then Creatures came on I smiled I love this song

"I fall This is the end of you This is the end of you Whispers are their weakness, Their weakness" I sang quietly to myself

"im guessing you like motionless in white?" Chris asked with a smug look which I have know Idea why

"yeah I love their music but I've never seen them live or seen a picture of them" I said finishing the 'E' off "well your all done" I said while removing the sheet off of him so he could stand up I walked over to the money till "so that will be $25" I said with a smile Chris reacted into his pant to get his wallet once he did he gave me the money. "thanks. have a good day Chris" I said with a smile.

"you to violent" he said walking to the door but stop and turned to me "bye the way you have a great music choice" with that he left what was that meant to mean? oh well time to shut up shop and get ready for this concert. and hopefully get time to nap.


picture on the side is Abby aka Kelly edan ---------->

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