30 Dares

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I dare you to...

1. Go up to a random couple and yell "HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME?" 

2. Go to City Hall with a hamster and say "I'd like a dog card for my horse."

3. Jump on a strangers back and yell "TO NARNIA!!!!!" 

4. Go into a bathroom stall, leave it unlocked and whenever someone walks in, say "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic!"

5. Go to a train station with an owl and trunk and try to run through a wall. Get confused when it doesn't work.

6. Walk up to a stranger and ask them to marry you (extra points if they say yes)

7. Get into a taxi wearing a tuxedo and sunglasses and yell FOLLOW THAT CAR!!! Point to a random car

8. After a long lecture in class, raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat it

9.(For the Doctor Who fans) Put on a gas mask and walk around asking people "Are you my mummy?" (Extra points if they scream and run away)

10. Dress up as an angry bird and ask people "Have you seen the pigs?'

11. Walk up to a random person on the street and say "Oh my God, Its Madonna!! 

12. Hand out fliers for a phony event taking place at the school or Civic Center. See how many people show up.

13. Dance in the middle of a crowded place

14. Dress up as Freddy Krueger. Ask people directions to the public school.

15. Get a friend, dress up as pirates and duel in public

16. Make a sign saying "Time Machine" and tape it onto an outhouse

17. Scream at the top of your lungs in a public place. When people look at you or panic, say "False alarm"

18. Scream and point to the sky in a crowded area

19. Ride a bike with a toy in the basket. Go around yelling "E.T PHONE HOME!!!!"

19. Walk up to strangers and whisper nervously "Do you have the stuff?"

21. Whenever you see a pale guy, ask him if he's your Edward. Even if you're a guy. Especially if you're a guy.

22. Run through a crowded street yelling "THEY'RE COMING!!!"

23. Apologize to random people.

24. Sit on a sidewalk with a sign next to you reading "I'm not homeless I just want your money." Ask people for change.

25. Whenever you see a person with a drink, chant "CHUG CHUG CHUG!!!" whenever they take a sip

26.Find the most ridiculous costume you own and walk around the street in it.

27. Dress up as slenderman and stand in a public place.

28. When you go to a bowling alley, Run and slide across the lane. Bonus points if you get a strike.

29.Go to McDonalds and ask directions to Burger King.

30. Actually do these dares

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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