Chapter 4

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"You guys are going to love his place, it's amazing," said Yoongi. "It still has all of the old pool tables and other stuff."
Jungkook looked around the room at the multiple pool tables and couches.
"Wow that's awesome," he said.
Yoongi pointed to the pool table.
"Wanna play a round?"
"Sure, why not."
Jungkook and Yoongi headed toward the pool tables and I awkwardly walked over to  the couches where Jimin was sitting.
"Hey," I said, and sat down across from him.
"Hey," he replied. "Pretty cool in here huh?"
I smiled.
"Yeah, it's a pretty big building. What else is here?"
Jimin sat up and laughed.
"Lots and lots of empty rooms full of debris and garbage."
"Sounds very interesting," I said sarcastically.
Jimin pointed to another giant hole in the wall leading further into the arena.
"Wanna check it out?" He asked.
"Sure!" I said.
We both stood up and walked over to the pool tables where Jungkook and Yoongi were fighting over who gets to go first.
"We're gonna go check out the rest of the building while you guys play," said Jimin.
Jungkook looked at me and I nodded.
I smiled and added,
"I'm interested to see what this building has to offer, we won't be long."
Jungkook looked down at the pool table.
Yoongi nodded, "ight, we'll be here."
Jimin and I waved to the boys as we walked away toward the hole. Jimin stepped over the rubble effortlessly, just like Jungkook, while I struggled to keep my balance. I looked up from the ground and Jimin had his hand stretched out for me to grab. I placed my hand in his and he led me through the debris. We came clear of the broken chunks of cement and entered the room that contained the pool. The roof had almost completely collapsed, allowing the moonlight to brighten the room, leaving dark spots here and there. We walked over to the pool where the moonlight was the strongest. I was able to see Jimin's face clearly, and noticed that he was blushing. I looked down and realized I was still holding his hand.

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