Chapter 5

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"Oh! I'm sorry!"
He laughed, "it's okay."
"This place really is something," I said nervously.
Jimin looked out at the room.
"Yeah, the pool is huge and it looks kinda creepy here at night. What time is it anyway?" He asked.
I raised my wrist and pulled back my sleeve to check my watch.
"9:08pm," I replied.
"Really? That early? It feels like we've been hanging around here for hours," he said. "Probably cause we had to wait for you guys forever."
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you wait," I said.
Jimin turned around to face me.
"I'm just teasing you, no need to be sorry. You know, Y/N, you've changed a lot within the last few months."
"Hm? How so?" I asked.
"Well, normally you would have tried hitting me as hard as you could for saying that, inevitably failing at it."
I looked up at him and gave him a harsh glare.
"There she is!" He shouted.
I laughed and gave him a gentle push.
"Seriously though, you've changed." Jimin turned around to look at the moon.
"I guess maybe liking someone does that,"
I said. "I never got to thank you Jimin. That is, for introducing me to Jungkook. Without you, me and him wouldn't be together right now."
Jimin moved his gaze from the moon to the ground. "There's nothing to thank me for. You're happy, that's all that matters."
I walked a couple steps closer to him.
"Of course there's something to thank you for. I never would have met him if it wasn't for you."
I watched Jimin clench his fists and then release them. He raised his head and looked back at me and smiled.
"Okay, then you're welcome I guess."
I gave my skirt a light brush to get the dust off and moved so I was standing in front of him.
"So," I started. "Wanna go adventure down into the empty pool?"
"Only if it's not too scary for you," Jimin teased.
"Oh please," I said. And began walking over to the ladder.

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