Chapter 9: Traitor

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It was Marcs turn to keep watch so he stayed awake while the Hatter and Allison slept.

Marc curled his fist into a tight grip as he watch the two sleep soundlessly next to each other.

That girl was going to be the death of them and the Hatter didn't seem to care what so ever. He should have just let the twins kill her. At least then they wouldn't be on this stupid journey.

Marc growled in frustration. He wished there was a way to get rid of the girl.

"Someone isn't looking too happy." Chuckled a voice.

Marc jumped up and turned around with his sword drawn.


He was cut off suddenly as a large object hit his head and sent him crashing to the ground.

"Haha! I got em Dee!"

Dee chuckled as he bent down over Marc, "Now now. No need to cause commotion. We're just here for you."

Marcs vision blurred as he slowly drifted off to unconsciousness.

"I'm......gonna" He growled right before blacking out.

Dee chuckled at the unconscious Marc, "Yes, I believe you've said that before."


When Marc woke up he was no longer in the woods.

He jerked awake and pulled up from the cold marble floor beneath him. He stopped at his knees as the clank of the chains stopped him.

"What the..." he muttered.

"Now now, no need to panic Mr. Clover. I a sure you, I mean you no harm."

Marc turned around and found himself face to face with an older lady with red hair and too much makeup.

"You......." Marc growled as she walked up to him.

She chuckled at him as he lunged at her in a pitiful attempt.

"If your gonna kill me go ahead and do it you witch." He spat out.

"Oh dear. That is not the way to treat your queen now is it." She said to him as she grabbed a hold to his chin.

Marc let out a growl as she smiled devilishly at him.

"I don't plan on killing you. So you can relax."

"Otherwise you'd already be dead." muttered Dee.

The queen gave a quick glared at Dee and his brother before looking back at Marc.

"Matter of fact, I am in need of your assistance." she smiled.

"Like I'd ever help a witch like you." Marc growled.

"Oh but deary, I think you will." She replied as she let go of his face and walking over to her to her throne before continuing, "I do believe a little birdy said you have a new traveling buddy with you."

Marcs eyes widened in recognition.

"Ah I see you know whom I am speaking of." the queen said amused.

"To make this short and sweet, I want her dead. Gone. Vanished! Unfortunately, every time I try to make that happen, your little friend gets in my way. So here is my little proposition for you." The queen paused for a minute to let her words sink in.

"Bring me the girl, and I'll consider letting your friend live."

Marc looked down at the marble floor as the queens words floated in his mind.

"After all, you wouldn't want to lose the only non-existing family you have left would you?" She chuckled.

Marc clenched his fist and scowled, "You son of a b-"

"Nah! That's no word you should speak to a lady."

Marc growled.

"Now now deary. It's just a simple task really. No need to get all worked up over it. After all, it's not that you like her."

The Queen widened her smile, "That is unless you've fallen for her." she chuckled.

"Like hell I would." He growled.

"Oh? Then perhaps it's your friend then. The Hatter I presume?"

Marc let out a growl, "He would never. No one is that stupid."

"Then I see no problem here." The Queen said, "Bring me the girl and you two will get to live."

"That is after the girl is dead." She added, "So.....Do we have ourselves a deal?"

Marc's glared at the queen, "If I help you get the girl..................You'll let me and the Hatter go?"

"Just as if it never happened."

Marc took a deep breath and looked back up at the queen, "Ok. I'll help you.....but only if the Hatter and I will be let go."

"My dear boy, You have yourself a deal." The queen smiled, "Expect contact soon. My boys here will take you back now."

The Twins then knocked out Marc and dragged him out of the marble floored room.

Once they were gone the queen let out a breath before speaking, "I know your there Cheshire. Come on out."

Jag chuckled and appeared right in front of the queen.

"My lady." He knelt down at her feet.

"Naughty Naughty cat listening into our dispute. You may rise."

"Thank you my lady." Jag replied standing up an standing next to her.

"If my queen does not mind answering, what is the purpose of getting him to bring the girl when you can just as well kill them all at once?" Jag asked

"Hmm.... You see, If i were to simply kill off two popular men of the clover and spade house, it could cause a riot. And if I were to simply kill the girl and leave them, then it would start a war. By placing a traitor among the group, I not only have control of the situation, I also can force two enemies of mine into a war that could potentially destroy them both. " She explained.

"Ah. Well played my queen."

"Yes. I thought so too." she smiled wickedly.



Kinda a short chapter but i'll try to have another up soon since it's the holiday break after all. :)

Don't forget to vote and comment!!! <3


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