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Everything is different
Everything is new
Everything makes sense yet doesn't make any sense at all

This wasn't suppose to happen..
I should have built theses walls better
Yet here they crumble...here they fall
Here I am exposed..

Yet here I stand stronger than ever
Ready to begin again
Ready to stumble an fall
Ready to take a chance
Ready for the difference..

The difference is
I feel safe and sound
Like no one can touch me
Different in of  way my heart beats
Fast and heavy
Almost skippy
Yet it beats happy

The butterflies in my stomach
They are different too
They are powerful
There are not just a few butterflies
There's a whole herd
They travel in packs now

Different in they way you kissed me
You kissed me with passion
It was so full of happiness
Full of excitement
The kiss we never thought would happen
It happened after months of talking
About how much we wanted to

When our lips parted we laughed
You pulled me back in and kissed me
The way you tangled you hands in my hair
And how you cupped my face in your hand
The way you said it's time to go
Both of us not wanting to part ways
Our lips not wanting to apart either

Your touch sends shock waves
That travel throughout my body
It's that spark everyone talked about
That spark I've never felt with anyone
The spark never existed to me...until now
That's how I know it's different

I forgot the world in that moment
It was like it was just us
The difference is I long for you
Your touch, your smile
Your body. Your lips
Your hair, your laugh
Your sent, your mind, your voice
for you all of you

It's different
You're different
I'm different
This whole thing is different
The Difference is I'm afraid of losing you
You falling for someone else
You deciding I'm not pretty enough
Of you walking away
You forgetting me

Yet the difference is
I feel like you won't

Different because
I feel this connection
I've never felt before
Something I can't explain
I'm in a sea of words
Yet can't form sentences

Let me be your different
Show you I'm not like the rest
Show you that not everyone walks out
Not everyone is afraid of your monsters
Or the ghosts hiding in your closet
I know what I'm signing up for
The difference is I have my own
My own monsters. My own ghosts

The difference is I love myself now
I feel and am beautiful
I'm bold, and brave
Yet scared but ready
For whatever happens
This different is good
It's happy and scary
And beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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