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Karma's POV

"Why is everyone staring at us? It's making me nervous"

"Just shut up and keep walking"

"Why are you always so mean to me?"

"Seriously? You're gonna start crying?"

I turned to look at the two idiots walking at each side of me and then looked back at the teenagers staring at us as we walk and whispering to their friends. Yes, we are the new students, yes no one knows us and are all curious about us, and yes...I do know everything about all of them.

How is that you ask? You readers really are slow.

It's because I'm Karma, and I know everything.

And I've come to teach some people a way.

"Karma, what's the plan?" I turn to look at Charlie with a smirk on my face. He is walking on my right whereas Blake is walking on my left.

"Don't you worry Charlie, I've got everything sorted out" I say, then hand him a two pieces of paper, one smaller than the other. Then I turn to Blake and do the same thing.

"These are your timetables and your locker combination. We have every class together this time because that makes things easier." I say to both of them.

We come to a stop in front of the lockers.

"Our lockers are side by side as well," I say as I put in the combination and open my locker which is in the middle of Blake and Charlie's lockers.

"I don't even want to know how you managed to get three lockers side by side and how you got them rid of the previous owners" Blake says while shaking his head.

I send him a mischievous smile.

Just then, a guy walks up to us.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before, you must be new here, because I know I'd never forget such a pretty face." He says smirking at me, completely ignoring Blake and Charlie.

Blake just rolls his eyes and turns away to open his locker, whereas Charlie looks between me and the guy who just walked up to us with a scared look on his face.

I look at the guy and cock my head to the side as I smirk at him.

Name: Ben Smith

Age: 17

Member of the football team. Player, jerk and is scared of spiders.

"Yeah, this is my first day here," I say sweetly.

"But I can make it your last if you don't move the hell out my way," I say smiling at him.

"I would listen to her if were you," Blake says not looking away from his locker, still putting his things inside.

"Oh yeah, and what if I don't?" Ben asks, trying to act tough.

"What's this little thing going to do to me?" He says throwing Blake a cocky grin.

I grab Ben by the collar and pull him towards me, inches away from my face.

"The question isn't what will I do to you" I whisper to him still with a smile on my face.

"The question is what won't I do to you"

And that's when he lets out a high-pitched scream.

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