Chapter Two

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A/N I am soooo sorry! With all my assignments and exams I really have not had much time at all! But tomorrow is my last written exam! Whoooo! Wish me luck! Then I just have my art practical exam! I hope to be updating all my books during the holidays! Speaking of holidys! It's Christmas time! Whoooooo! Love ya! Stay safe! 

Coles pov

Coles pov

Life teaches you many lessons.

It teaches you how trusting people is stupid. How people always lie and only do things for their own twisted motives. It's not like the movies or fairy tales. Happy endings are bull shit. The "bad guy" doesn't pay for his crimes, he lives a life of luxury. Whilst the other guy lives in fear, in anger, in frustration, because he knows he can't do anything to the "bad guy". There is no hero that saves the day. The "good guy" is just a normal guy, he doesn't have any superpowers. To win in this world, you have to play dirty. You can't win by being a "goody two shoes", you have to stoop lower than your enemy, hit him a hundred times harder, no one plays fair. This world is no place for wimps, no place for peace because no one wants peace, they all want blood, they are all bloodthirsty hounds. They sweet talk you into thinking that they care about you, shed a few crocodile tears, tell a few lies, waiting for the right moment before they pounce on you and rip you to shreds.

This isn't a pessimistic view on life.

It's a realistic one.


Sweat trickles down my face, as my fists collide with the punching bag. Over and over and over again.

Images flash across my mind, and I punch harder.

The images shattering with every blow. Blood seeps through the wraps I've put around my hands, old wound opening up. But that doesn't stop me, neither do the eyes that I can feel on my back.

Those eyes, that have tears pouring out of them. Those eyes that were once filled with happiness, now are filled with fear, and sorrow. Those eyes that hold no anger, just forgiveness.

Those eyes that are so much different from mine.

Because mine hold no forgiveness.

Only fury.

Fury that will destroy.



That's what I am.


Do I give a shit?


I trudge down the deserted hallway of the maths department with my hands in my pockets. Everyone is already in class, and as my class is the very last one at the end of the hallway, I have to walk past every single class.

I reach the door to the classroom and kick it open with my foot and it slams against the wall.

Here we go again.

The whole class turns to look in my direction.

I sweep a bored gaze across the classroom until my eyes fall upon on a red head standing at the front of the classroom.

Something twists inside me when her eyes meet mine.

I feel dizzy all of a sudden, and stumble backward. My eyes never leaving hers, and hers never leaving mine.

I feel myself falling.

The last thing I see is her running towards and dropping to her knees beside me.

Then everything disappears.

And darkness takes over.


Beep Beep Beep

Ugh. What is that noise? I let out a groan and slowly open my eyes.

I have to blink several times because of the bright white ceiling and the light, momentarily blinds me.

I try to move my hand to cover my eyes, but then see the IV sticking out of my arm.

My eyes widen and I frantically try and pull the IV out.

I hate them.

We have a bit of a history.

Weirdly, the IV doesn't budge. No matter how hard I pull, it doesn't come out.

"Ugh. What the fuck is up with this?" I mumble to myself.

"Don't bother, you're just going to hurt yourself"

My head whipped to the side where the voice came from.

Standing there was a nurse with her back to me while she was writing something down on a clipboard. She had blue scrubs on and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

Her red hair.

My attention returns to my arm.

"Get this shit off me"


I look at her incredulously.

"What do you mean "nope"? Get this off me, and why am I here anyway?" I say as I look around the room. This is definitely a hospital. But something seems off about it.

"Don't you remember?" She asks with her back still facing me. Why won't she look at me? I hate it when people don't look me when I'm talking to then because it usually means they're lying or hiding something.

"Remember what?" I ask her. What happened to me? Why can't I remember what happened?

"You crashed a five-year old's party at the zoo, while drunk may I add. You then proceeded to smash your face in the zebra cake, scaring all the children. Then you almost fell into the pond, then the birthday boy got mad and pushed you, so you did fall into the pond, then whilst trying to get out you slipped and fell and hit your head off a railing, and then passed out."

I blinked up at her.

"Oh, and the police are waiting outside the door." She finished, facing me now with a cheery smile.

"What...?" I stare at her confused as hell.

My eyes then widen as I realize that she's the same girl with the red hair in class earlier, and everything comes flooding back.

But then everything also goes black and I feel myself falling backward onto the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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