Part 12

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Chapter 12: awkward ...

I awoke to a huge bang coming from the bathroom. Wtf. Was. That.

"Joe ?" I shouted wondering where he was

"Yeah sorry I think I've broken the shelf" he said

I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to see Joe in a towel looking very worried. Shower gels, shampoo bottles and toothpaste was scattered around the bathroom along sigh a broken shelf

"Um how did you manage to do that" I said looking at the floor

"well I got out of the shower, then put the things I used back on the shelf, turned around, then I heard and turned back around to see everything on the floor" he said worried that it was broke

"hold on" I said picking up the shelf, I put the shelf near the nails it was attached to and tried to fit them back in the shelf.

"Fixed it" I said turning round and smiling at Joe. I couldn't help but stare at his six pack, but I tried to make sure Joe didn't see me staring.

"Thanks, now get out I need to get changed and stop checking me out" Joe joked

"Yeah yeah you wish" I said leaving the bathroom

I sat on the bed thinking about what happened last night. Joe. Kissed. Me. Again!
And then said he need to speak to me when he was sober.

Does he like me?
No of course he doesn't it's Joe
Do I like him?
... No comment

Well I think I don't but whenever I'm around him I get this feeling in my stomach. Butterflies and I don't want to have feeling for him because he's my best friend. But the feeling i had when I left are still there..

I then heard the door open making me snap out of my day dream. Joe left the bathroom and grabbed his laptop from the side.

"What we doing today?" I asked as he sat next to me

"Well Tyler said Disney but it's too late for that now" Joe said

"How is it, it's 6am" I said pointing at the clock "and we're in Florida anyway" I said looking at Joe

"It's not 6am I set my alarm for 11pm" Joe said
"Did you change your time to American time" I asked
"Oh shit yeah" Joe said looking at his settings

"Wanna go Disney then" Joe said laughing
"Yes me and Tyler used to go like once every 2 months and no it never got boring" I said smiling

"Oh what did you wanna talk to me about last night" I asked Joe

"What you talking about" he said pretending to be clueless but joes a really bad liar

"You said to me you needed to speak to me when you were sober" I said

"Oh it doesn't matter" Joe said closing his laptop "you coming to wake everyone up" Joe said

"Okay" I then hopped out of bed "let me get ready first" I said as Joe sighed
I got ready, and looked at the time. It was 7 am and me and Joe were going to wake everyone up.

We called Tyler and told him we were planning on going to Disney.

Tyler agreed with the idea and told us he was arriving at the hotel at 9am with an uber for us all.

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