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Chapter 22 : I'm done
Strong language in this chapter


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS' I DIDNT DO ANYTHING" Joe screamed as I looked down at my feet

"Fuck you!" I said storing out of our hotel room making sure to slam the door behind me

- 12 hours ago -

"It's 10am wake up" I heard as I slowly opened my eyes and seeing Zoe at the end of my bed clapping her hands

"Zoe shhh, my head is killing me" I said as I began to sit up, Zoe stopped clapping and apologised for being so noisy

"Come on let's go for coffee get ready" she said placing her hands on my arm and pulling me out of bed.

"Okay, where's Joe" I replied walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water

"He went out with a special friend he told me" Zoe said confusing me

"Special friend" I repeated whilst putting my glass into the sink and turning to look at Zoe

"Yeah don't ask me" she said

"Joe told me he was filming with Conor today" I said remembering "but then again he said he was filming at 11..."

" I don't know but I don't know about you but I really want a Starbucks so just get ready have a shower when you get home" Zoe said pulling me towards my wardrobe

"Special friend" I murmured feeling confused

I heard my phone vibrate on the dresser, picking up what I was wearing for that day I got up and went over to my phone.

There's was a message, that message read

"Sorry I had to shoot off this morning, I'll be back at 7

"Okay" I said dragging my words and placing my phone back down and walking into the bathroom to get ready.

Zoe's POV

She's going to be so angry when she finds out he's been out with this girl all day. Even if I knew what they were doing I couldn't tell her. I won't tell her but I'm sure it's nothing. But ... I don't want her to get angry with me if it is what I think it is

I mean it's joes problem he can fix it, I wish he thought before he did things.

What is she going to say. I can't stop thinking about it, I feel terrible.

Amy's POV

"Zo!" I said snapping her out of her day dream

"Yeah, oh your ready lets go" Zoe said running towards the door.

We arrived and the coffee shop and we're currently drinking our drinks talking about how playlist has gone and how we have to go home tomorrow.

"I don't wanna leave" I said putting my head on the table

"Neither do I, I love it in America" Zoe groaned

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