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Chapter 14: back to the hotel

Me and Tyler spent the whole day running around Disney, getting on all the rides and showing Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Caspar and Marcus around the park.

Marcus wanted to go on the bigger rides along with Alfie and Caspar whereas joe, Zoe and Tyler wanted to stay in the park where the smaller rides were.

I thought it would be a good idea to split up. I went with the others towards the bigger rides whilst Tyler went with Zoe and Joe around the smaller part of the park.

"What one first?" I asked Marcus Alfie and Caspar

"Can we go on California screaming" Caspar asked pointing at the big ride

"Sure" I said as we made our way towards the ride

We didn't que for long as we had fast passes so we pretty much jumped straight on it.

"I've never been on this before" I said getting excited. I loved big rides they were always so much fun!

"Ready" I asked Caspar Marcus and Alfie. I was sitting next to Caspar with Marcus and Alfie sat in front of us

"Yup" they all said as the ride shot off


"That was amazing" Caspar said running to look at the photo

"Omg we need to get that" Alfie said looking at the photo of all 4 of us laughing together

"I'll get one" I said paying the man and telling him what number I wanted

We collected the photo and went on other big rides before deciding to join the others again

I texted Tyler telling him to meet us at thunder mountain, because we were gonna try and get them on it. They arrived 5 minuets later with goofy hats on all singing "mickey mouse club house"

"Omg what's happened to you guys" I laughed looking at how happy they all were

"We met Mickey" Zoe squealed showing us the photo

"Omg that's so funny" I said laughing at the photo and how 3 grown adults were so happy to meet Mickey Mouse.

"Come on then" Caspar said dragging Joe towards the space mountain ride

"No I don't like roller coasters I'm not going on that" Joe said shaking his head

"Come on it's literally a ride for children" Alfie said giggling pulling Zoe along

"I'll do it if Joe does it" Zoe said happily

"I'm not doing it" Joe said being stubborn

"Coming Tyler" I laughed Tyler following me into the que

"I'm not going on it, remember what happened last time" Tyler giggled remembering when he threw up over the person in front of him

"Come on guys" I shouted making sure they heard me

"Fine" Joe said walking towards the ride

"Yay" we all cheered laughing


"Who's sitting by who" Caspar asked
"I don't mind" I said looking at everyone

"I'll sit by Zoe" Alfie said
"I'll sit by anyone" Marcus said

There was 4 of us left because Tyler couldn't go on it which meant, I was gonna have to sit next to Joe depending on what Caspar said

"I'll sit by Marcus then" Caspar said smiling
"That leaves Joe and Amy that's fine right" Tyler said looking at us

"Yeah sure" I said smiling at walking on the ride

"I don't wanna get on this" Joe said looking at me

"It's fine just don't be sick on me" I laughed thankful it wasn't awkward

"I'll try not to I'm closing my eyes the whole way" he said pulling his safety belt down

Once we were all ready to go the workers pressed the button to start the ride

"Here we go" I said laughing looking at how scared Joe looked
"I did it" Joe said jumping off the ride and grabbing his things

"It wasn't even bad" Zoe said walking towards the exit

"Hurry up" Tyler shouted making us all run towards him
We'd been at Disney for a while, we seen the parade and went on a couple more rides but we had to go home earlier as playlist was tomorrow and I had to be up at 6am.

We were all in the uber on our way back to the hotel.

"I didn't want to leave" Zoe said pouting
"Neither did I" Caspar said looking at her

"Well if you guys came to America to visit me more often maybe we could go again" Tyler stated 

"I was here last week so" I said smiling at Tyler

We'd made our way back to the hotel. 

"We're here" Joe said opening the car door as we came to a stop

"Thankyou" I thanked the the driver as I got out of the car

Tyler followed us out and said bye to us before making his way back to his house

"Bye" Tyler said giving me a hug

We all said bye to Tyler before going back to our hotel rooms. I was in the middle of getting into my pjs when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly threw on my baggy jumper and ran to see who was there.

I opened the door to reveal Joe on the other side.
"Hey" I said looking confused

"Hey, can I talk to you a second sorry I've just been at Caspars" he said looking at his feet

"Sure" I said moving out of the way so he could enter our hotel room

What was gonna happen now ...
Part 14 hope you enjoy it ! ❤️

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