Chapter 7

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"Ugh, I hate this freaking rain!" Fletcher grunts, pointlessly trying to swat the droplets away. I pull my cloak tighter around me, longing for the comfort of dry clothes. The Western Wood has not been kind to us so far. We have been riding for two days already, and it feels like forever.

Being around the same people for days on end, eventually makes you notice every single annoying trait about them. Even Amelia, despite her good qualities, can shatter even the strongest eardrums with her spontaneous singing.

I tug at the bandage around my waist, wincing at the lingering pain. Ever since the incident with the bounty hunters, Keath has been pushing us onward, hardly letting any of us rest. And when we do it's only to eat and get a few hours of sleep, before we continue into the cold harshness of the wilderness. He also insisted on staying away from the main roads, as to avoid any unnecessary encounters.

"What's wrong, you scared you gonna melt?" Aiden says smugly, missing a blow from Fletcher by a hair's breadth.

"Watch your mouth runt." Fletcher snarls.

Aiden ignores the him and turns his attention to Keath. "Pardon me, Mr. In Charge, but we have been riding the whole day. We need to make camp.

"He's right," Malcolm says, patting his steed. "The horses need rest, and there's no use going much further in this weather."

"No." Keath says sternly, his eyes locked on the muddy path. "We have to keep going. There's no knowing where those bounty hunters could be. I'm not taking any chances."

The cold seeps through my clothes and into my bones, consuming any memory of what warmth feels like. My lungs struggle to keep up as I shiver, a sudden gust of cold wind taking my breath away. I try to focus on something else: the movement of my mount's muscles, the beating of my heart, the rhythm of the rain pouring on my back, anything but the biting cold.

Amelia rides next to Keath and says something to him, though I can't make out the conversation. She gestures towards me a few times, a concerned look on her face. I straighten up, trying to show that I'm fine, even though it's a lie. I don't need them worrying about me.

Keath sighs. "Everyone, we will make camp at that cave over there, but only until the weather clears up."

We trudge onward through the mud, the weather becoming harsher by the minute, and every step the horses take growing heavier and heavier. Even though I hate this beast, I still feel sorry for him.
Darkness quickly creeps in, as the night accompanies the storm. In the distance, I can see the promised cave carved from the mountainside, welcoming us into its hollow mouth.

The wood is completely different at night and seems even more ominous than the night of my attack. The sky continues to pour out its wrath through the treetops, sending the creatures scuttling towards shelter. Malcolm lights a hooded lantern in an attempt to light the way, though it doesn't help much.

"Just a little bit further!" Keath announces, his lips also starting to turn blue.

I imagine the dryness of the cave and the warmth of a fire to fuel the last bit of strength I have left.

Almost there.

"When we get there-"

A high pitched cry interrupts Keath, petrifying us. Everyone looks around, trying to find the source. It echoes through the forest, and leaves a heavy silence in its wake.

"What was that?" Amelia readies her crossbow, her eyes darting like that of a scared fox. Another cry pierces through the night, penetrating my very soul. The hairs on my neck stand on end, and I shiver as the cold from the rain is replaced by a new type of cold. A supernatural cold. In an instant, all the light, all the color, everything that is good seems to have been drained from the world. I fight the urge to cower in terror. Whatever creature this is, it's playing with my mind.

An eerie fog rolls in, covering us up to our knees. Fletcher yells into the dark, "Show yourself you coward!" He draws his ax, ready to bash at the first sign of danger. I draw my bow and nock an arrow, my gloves not doing much to warm my numb fingers. Cold sweat drips down my forehead. This isn't natural. Whatever it is out there, it is evil.

The creature screams again, louder this time, and probably closer. The fog continues to roll in, and soon I am completely enveloped in it, unable to see my own hands.

The cry echoes all around me, drowning me in fear. I ready my bow, but it feels like a dream, like I'm unable to determine what's real and what's not.

"Aiden?" I call into the fog, desperate to hear a familiar voice. No answer. I am alone in the darkness, blinded by the fog. I fail to hear any sign of life from the others.

My breathing becomes heavy as I try to control my heart; it is beating rapidly against my ribs. Another cry rings out, only this time it seems to be inside my mind. I hold my head in my hands, dropping my bow. The wailing continues, getting louder.

"Agh! Get out of my head! Make it stop!" I cry out, sinking to my knees.

Then I hear a voice.

I gasp through the pain.
What have you done?
"Mom! Where are you?" I try to stand up.
My mother's voice is replaced by two familiar male ones.

Are you sure she's responsible?

Yes, I am. She did it.

Take her away...

I cry out. The male voices fade, and a voice like the wind itself replaces it.

Jade Briar...

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