-Because- (Y/N) x Rapheal

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Hey. It's Kit. This one was requested by @Pandalion23 . It's just gonna be a 'your name( (y/n) ) story so you can just put your name. Why? Because this person wanted it to be that way. Hope you enjoy and requests are still open.


Name: (Y/N)-(your name)

Personality: whatever your is but a little more stubborn when it comes to fighting

Character: Raphael
Blade of Choice: (B/o/C) -whatever you want.

Ok now read.

///////////////(Y/N)'s POV\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

"BOOYAKASHA!!!!" Mikey yelled while waking the head off of a foot bot. "Mikey! Stayed focus!" Leo told him. I stabbed my (B/o/C) straight through the chest of the foot bot I was fighting. "Oh lighten' up, Leo. He's just trying to make it fun." He didn't respond. He put his focus back on Kairi. "Show me where your precious 'Splinter' is!" Sh commanded. "I won't let to hurt him! He's your father!" Leo tried to explain.


Me, Donnie and Mikey were fighting off the foot bots while Leo was fighting Kairi and Raph was fighting Razhor. I wanted to help Raph, he looked like he was havering some trouble, but he told me to start back. So I listened. I was currently back-to-back with Donnie in a circle  of bots. "Fancy spiny thing?" I asked. Donnie nodded. "Fancy spiny thing." I smiled. I've always loved doing this!
I dropped blade in front of me. "Now." I told him. We both quickly turned around grabbing each other's wrists. Donnie quickly started to spin around lifting me up off the ground. My hidden blade popes out of the bottom of my shoe as I sliced all the surrounding bots I the chest. Donnie spun me around a few times until he started to slow down. He carefully  set me down on one foot. I folded my blade back in the bottom of my shoe and set my other foot down. Donnie gave me a warm smile and I returned it.

I heard a small growl/yelp from behind me and I quickly turned to see Raph on the ground, cornered by Razhor. I gasped. I quickly grabbed my (B/o/C) and ran towards him. "This ends now, turtle." Razhor said. He raised his claws with a growl. Raph looked away, expecting the worse. I pointed my blade at the back of Razhors neck and he stopped. "Back. Away. From. The turtle." I commanded. He just laughed. "Well, Red, looks like your girlfriends come to save the day." I saw Raph looked up at me from the corner of my eye. Razhor ducked down and swiped his leg under me to knock me down but I quickly jumped to doge. I took a few steps back with the (B/o/C) at my side.

"(Y/N)! This isn't your fight." Raph scolded me as he stood to his feet. "It is now." I responded. Razhor reached to claw me but I blocked them with my (B/o/C). I could hear his claws scraping the blade. I took a step back and he growled at me. I didn't want to accidental kill him, so, I put my (B/o/C) back in it's hider on my back. "Wrong move, little girl." Razhor said.

"I don't kill."

"Oh, well to bad." He readied he claws. "Cause I do." Razhor lunged towards me with a loud growl. I dodged his swinging claws. I managed to punch him on the jaw which caused him to stumble back but he caught his balance. I heard someone tell right behind me and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bot head fall next to my feet.

"You need to back down." I heard Raph say behind me. "You can't win."

I my head to look at him but before I cold say anything, I was knocked to the side a few feet away. I could hear Raph yelling my name.

I landed on the ground hard with a thud, back first. That's probably gonna leave a bruise. I tried to get up but something pushed me back down. Kairi stood over me with her foot on my chest an her sword raised. "Kairi no!" Leo yelled but it was too late. Kairi lifted her blade quickly plunging it into my stomach. I gasped. She pulled it out and placed it back into her case. "Told you she wouldn't last long, Leo." Kairi smirked and ran out of my sight. I heard her call the foot bots back.

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