The Start of Something New? 9/5/16

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i am the luckiest girl in KMS. i had just died knowing that i have one class with zac everyday. I WILL BE ABLE TO SEE HIM, EVERYDAY!

i have gym and tech ed with him, and maybe im psycho but hes been trying to connect with me in each of thise classes. at least thats what i think hes doing.

first off, in gym class, before the actual lame activity starts, everyone sits down in a marked spot on the gum floor for attendance. we are ordered alphabetically. zac is right the the right of my spot. (probably because he is right for me;) anyways, while the gym teacher was giving the full new year new rules crap, i swear zac was staring at me the ENTIRE time. every time i look at him, his eyes were staring dead at mine, then when he realized i saw him, his eyes swerved in a different direction. aye you might think my theory is bullshit, but a girl can dream. hes so into me;)

second, tech ed class. right when i walked into the tech ed room on the first day of school, i spotted zac. and apparently he spotted me too. our eyes met for a brief second. it was heavenly. as he knows i love to draw. while the texh ed teacher was talking i started drawing. he also started drawing!!! probably after he realized i was too!! am i cazy or what??? he is totally sending me a telepathic signal saying he loves me or something!!

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