Settle the Score 9/2/16

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After the Dylan blow, i felt like a stupid, gullible wanna be. and i was. it was time for me to settle the score with dylan. if he was having fun, so should i.

Football. That's the sport where most of the "cool" kids from my grade gathered to watch. I thought i had scored when Abby and Emma asked me, miss not very popular, to join them in the first football game of the season. Maybe this  would be a new start for me. was i going to be entered into the social group by going to this game? this couldve been a big break for me.

About five seconds after we settled and found a spot, the drama began. Emma was dreading seeing her kind-of boyfriend, Grant. Grant was popular, and therefore sat at the popular section on the bleachers. Long story short, Abby and Emma went to the popular section to sort out all the Grant drama, leaving me alone and miserable.

Until my close friend Isabella texted me that she was also there. She came over and kept me company the rest of the game.

Why should i try to be cool or popular? was it really all that great. as far ad i knew, popularity was so overrated. while striving to fit in, did i really want to? i had gone through most if my middle school years being one who was subjected to the popular's rules and i was so tired of it. but never would i want to be sitting on their side of the bleachers. 

after the game, i went home and wrote this^ that nught sucked and it was my fault, i wasnt good enough for the pops and their bull****.

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