Chapter Two: Unbreakable

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Time. Time was all we needed to stay focus he called I heard his voice he sounded empty like all his emotions were gone it was my fault though I didn't realize that I had some fault in this I took away his son I know seeing pictures are nothing compared to holding him

Fuck why do I feel so guilty I spent six months without guilt why now I just don't understand why everything was going so good

"Shea you okay you look constipated.'' I laughed my thinking so hard made me look like I had to shit which is really funny

"Oh no um I was just thinking about something." I said pushing my hair to The side

"Oh okay well Aiden is sleeping just thought I would tell you, are you sure you're okay?" Janelle asked looking serious

"Yeah just dealing with a lot it's hard sometimes you know."

"No I don't know unless you talk shea, we are two different people I can't feel your emotions I don't just know what I'd troubling you I know when things get hard but I worry about you shy do you hold it in ik here if you need me." Janelle said sitting next to me

"It's devin, I know I know he did so many wrong things to me and I should give up on him I just know that when you loved someone it's hard to unlove them."

"Shea he did do you wrong but it's okay to feel this way it's not wrong you're not wrong for still loving him and I know that you feel guilty about the baby , but remember you have a choice." She said walking away grabbing her keys

I sighed I walked into Aidens room I feel awful for being so selfish I never really thought about what would be best for Aiden

I walked back out of his room into my own I sat on the bed I looked at myself in the mirror I'm so pitiful I need to suck this up and move on with my life

I'm weak and I give people to many second chances when in the end it's not helping them change its hurting me more

I used to think me and him were unbreakable

He led me on , he helped kidnap me, he got me pregnant , wanted me to get rid of him, he cheated on me

Fuck sympathy devin gordon go rot In FUCKING HELL


Sorry I haven't been updating here is the second chapter

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Love yall

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