~The start of something new~

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The lights blink as the monitor beeps in a steady motion lights become blurry as i'm rolled into the surgery room

Its finally time, finally I can get a heart transplant, I will be able to dance again without worrying about my heart being overworked

My last thoughts as I drifted into sleep


I hear voices around me 

as I open my eyes to a bright light 

"yein-ah?" A voice calls out to me


"You're awake?" 

"Yeah" I reply 

"Congratulations yein-ah we got you into a dance school and you can start in two weeks after some physical exercising in the hospital.

"really" I say exitedly 

"yup yup"

I can dance again I can be me again.

Seed Of Love ~ Sprouting Flower [BangLyz][Loveteen]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt