~Do I~

71 8 0

I worry should I call the number or not?

Do I really want this or not?

Can I do this or not..?

As all these thoughts running through my head, my fingers are already dialing the number.

Can I just check this out....


"Woolim Ent. Lee jungyeop office, Can i help you?" The lady voice on the other side of the phone asks

"Hello, my name is Jung Yein and i was giving this card, and the guy said to call if I wanted to audition..." I reply trying not to show the uneasiness in my voice

"ah yes, I'll connect you right away"

"Hello" a male voice come onto the line

"Yes, Hello my name is Jung Yein ......um the ballet dancer....."

"Ah yes!, you called how wonderful!, I'm glad you called I'll connect you to the audition services right away!"

After that the audition department gave me all the information and that I was going to go audition next week...

I need to sign and dance..... what can I sing and dance?.......

I chose to sing 2NE1's sunbaenims "I love you"      [( i miss them..)]

And I am dancing a ballet routine.

I practice all week getting ready for the audition. 


Audition D-Day

I'm so nervous as I sit in the waiting room with the other people who are auditioning

As my turn is coming closer my anxiety grows 

I take deep breaths trying to calm myself

"NUMBER 8; JUNG YEIN" A loud voice calls my name

 as nervous as I was I stood.

Seed Of Love ~ Sprouting Flower [BangLyz][Loveteen]Where stories live. Discover now