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"You know how I like it"

Juliette's P.O.V:

After surviving my first day with Justin yesterday, I was more confident that I might be able to do this without trouble. Justin might scare everyone else, but he seems to know how to treat a girl right. He doesn't scare me one bit.

From what it looks like, Justin and Marisa are just a happily in love couple. At least, that's the vibe I get off of Justin. It still confuses me as to why Marisa would want to leave Justin for a couple weeks. He's such a sweetheart.

Yesterday, Justin couldn't stop telling me how much he cared for me, how he'll always be mine and I'll always be his.

I was feeling a bit of jealously seeing how much love my sister has been getting. She's been able to find someone who loves her, and she was able to find a better life for herself after everything we've been through.

Who wouldn't feel jealous though? I think all girls tend to watch other people's relationship when they're single and tend to feel just a little jealous when they see the guy treating the girl like a queen.

I could tell that Marisa has finally found peace to the death of our parents and has been able to come to conclusion that they're no longer here physically with us. I can't lie, I was jealous of that too.

No matter how much I vent all my feelings to Nicole about how I feel about it all, I can't seem to get over the fact that the strongest woman I know, the lady who held not only me, but my sister for nine months, the lady who gave her one-hundred-fifty percent to everything she did, was no longer here to comfort me, to tell me everything's going to be alright.

It almost feels as if the reason I can't commit myself to someone else like Marisa has is because I haven't been able to find peace with the death of my parents.

But then again... Marisa didn't see her parents get murdered. Goosebumps ran up my arms as I sat in the high ceiling living room, curled up in a blanket on the couch. I had the television turned on as I flipped through the channels but I couldn't for the life of me pay any attention to it.

The memory of my parents laying right in front of me, bleeding to death, has hunted me for two years now.

I stared out into the distance, on nothing particular, I just pondered on the memory of my parents. The thoughts got me uncomfortable and I started to shuffle around on the couch, stretching out my whole body down on it so that I was now staring up at the ceiling.

I miss my parents.

They were the strongest people I knew. What I loved about them though was that, they truly, deeply loved each other. They were each other's best friend. They lived another day for one another.

I'd rarely ever saw my parents argue, they never wanted Marisa and I to grow up in that type of environment. We dealt with enough with not having enough for extra things; they didn't want us to have to get caught up with having to hear or see them unhappy.

The memory of that day kept trying to push its way back into my memory; the tall figure, wearing a ski mask, looking down into my eyes once I walked into the crime. He heard me come in, turning around to see me standing at my front doorway.

We had locked eyes for a second before he pushed passed me, exiting the house. I looked over at my mom and dad. My mom's dead body laid still on her stomach while my dad was on his back with a bullet right through his heart.

The back of my eyes stung as I held in the tears. I want my mom here. I want my dad to tell me "a beauty like you shouldn't cry such ugly tears" while lifting my head up from under my chin. My dad never liked to see my cry, he use to always say, "Princesses don't cry."

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