Chapter: 4

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Chapter: 4

The rest of the week flew by in a tense blur.

Jason, Z and Leona all agreed that they wouldn't say anything about the incident it the woods to Jackson. If he asked questions, which he hadn't so far, they would just tell him that Leona punched him unconscious and everything after that was all a dream. It helped that when he woke up, he had found himself in the classroom that he had supposedly been knocked out in and he also had a nice bruise from where Leona actually did punch him.

Leona rolled over in her warm bed and buried her face into the pillows in a futile attempt to go back to sleep. As usual it didn't work as she felt herself slowly but surely waking up. She groaned.

Dim rays of light spilled through the gaps in the wooden blinds on her window, illuminating her rather large room with a brown-orange glow. She had no idea what time it was but guessed it to be around nine or ten in the morning.

Leona rolled on to her back with her eyes still shut tight and felt along her beside table for the purple water bottle that she kept there. Her fingers brushed over the familiar bumpy, waxy surface as she grabbed it and sat up slightly. Flipping the lid she took a long swig before putting it back once again.


She groaned. Leona's hand had missed the table and as a result the bottle had fallen off and rolled accross the floor. She now had two options; stay in bed for a little longer or get up, put the bottle back and get something to eat. Her stomache agreed with the second option and with a heavy sigh on her part Leona flipped the covers back, swung her legs over the edge and stood up.

Black dots swarmed her vision for a moment and she staggered to the side. Seconds before she hit the ground, Leona's hand shot out and grabbed on to the wooden post of her bed. Her grip slid down the post as her legs became numb and the rest of her body soon followed. Her hand became slack and dropped away from the bedpost, hitting the floor with a thump. Leona tried desperately to fight the dreaded feeling that spread throughout her body, she hated feeling like this.

Thrusting a numb arm up, she forced her fingers to close around the bedpost once again and held on. Relying on mermory alone, Leona forcefully hauled her unfeeling body off the ground and into a somewhat of a sitting position on her bed.

After a few mintues of struggling to stay awake, Leona's body regained feeling. Little by little, limb by limb the numbness receded and her vision returned. She stayed in her position on her bed for a little while longer before carefully lifting herself up. She didn't bother to get dressed as she walked out of her bedroom door and made her way to the kitchen.

Since Leona's house was in the middle of the forest, she didn't have to worry about random strangers walking past her front windows and seeing her in nothing but bike shorts and a thin singlet.

Searching the fridge for anything that looked remotely appetizing to her she decided that she would soon need to go into town to buy some groceries. She scoured the cupboards for perhaps some cornflakes or weet-bix and found none. Growling in fustration, Leona wandered over to the kitchen window and stared up at the position of the sun. Quickly dismissing that idea as she had no luck at guessing she then turned to the wall clock next to the door. Leona hadn't realised how much time had actually passed but figured that she had semi-passed out for longer than she had initially thought. It was just passed eleven.

She thought to herself for a moment. Most of the people in Andromeda wouldn't be out in the woods this time of the morning seeing as it was the weekend. She had a feeling thought, that it would soon get packed with campers and backpackers during the rest of the week. It was close to the holidays now and Leona couldn't wait for them to come.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she placed a stray hairtie on her wrist and practically ran out the back door. Leona ran accross her backyard in her pajamas feeling excited, this would be the first time she had hunted in a while and her inner lioness was itching to get free.

Breefly stopping at a particar tree at the edge of the yard, she checked to make sure that the stash of clothes she had put there were still in place. Satisfyed, she began to run in no direction in particular. Leona leapt into the air mid-stride and felt the familiar heat and tingles of the shift. Her clothes shredded, not that she minded as she was going to be rid of them anyway soon enough. In the next second her golden paws touched the ground, her claws digging in and allowing her speed to increase. Leona's senses were now heightened even more so than when she was human and she could smell the dirt beneath her paws, the refreshing smell of the leftover rain from last night hanging onto the trunks and leaves of trees. Her sensitive ears picked up the frantic scampering of small animals, running for cover as she passed them as if they could sense the danger she brought with her even when human. She could also see their movements too of she looked close enough. The flicker of a white, fluffy tail as a rabbit ducked into it's burrow, a bird's colourful feathers as it hid behind some leaves in the high up branches.

Leona changed her course a few mintues into her run as she picked up the scent of a herd deer to her far left. It didn't take her long to reach them and when she did she stayed back behind some bushes, making as little noise as possible as her lion instincts kicked in.

There were about ten females, two or three fawn and two bucks, one noticibly older then the other. Leona imediately focused on one of the females slightly off to the side of the group. She knew that the buck would be the best scource of meat right now but seeing as she wasn't all that hungry she just focused on her easy prey.

She stalked around the edges of the clearing they were in until she was positioned almost directly behind the doe. Leona waited patiently for the others to wander off a little more, leaving this poor girl to be, well, eaten. Somewhere she felt kind of sorry for the poor thing, being left out like that but she quickly shoved that thought aside, this loner doe was now going to be her breakfast and probably lunch as well.

Leona waited only a few more seconds before she leapt gracefully out of the bushes with a feirce snarl and into the gap between the doe and the rest of her herd. Her plan worked effectivly. The doe running off in one direction and the rest of them in the other. She grinned internally. The chase was on.


Hope you liked it! :)





Bella <3

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