Chapter: 11

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Hello my lovely fans and readers. Did we all have an awesome Easter and pig out on chocolate? Yes? Good! :)

Exciting news!! I'm going to SYDNEY!! That means I'll be able to see my cousins again!! Also, I just have to say this, I finally have carnival lights (you know the tiny, colourful paper lanterns), new slippers with panda faces on them and a bunch of other awesome things I can't be stuffed mentioning. Anywho, I won't be back home until next week.

Enjoy!! :)


Chapter: 11

It hadn't taken very long for Leona to figure out that this guy, Leon, was a shifter. He basically told her when he hadn't denied her accusation that the house she had almost escaped from was full of shifters.

She was now seated in a bouncy chair with wooden arm rests and frame. Unfortunately for her, Leona's wrists and ankles were tied down by thick rope. Not that she couldn't get out of it, she just didn't exactly fancy getting rope burn and spliters right now. Both Leon and the man she had seen before were stnading in front of her with their arms crossed over their broad chests. The almost identical expressions on their faces would've probably been quite intimidating to a human or someone other than Leona. To her, they just looked constipated. She was tempted to voice her opinion aloud but bit it back and instead snarled ferociously at them.

Shock registered on both the man and Leon's face. Leona had been living untamed for as long as she could remember so she knew that her growls, snarls and roars sounded more animalistic than other shifter's. From what she'd been told that is.

"Let me go." She growled threateningly. The older man shook his head.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. At least not until we know you're not a threat to my Pride." He said calmly.

"And what, pray tell me, would make you think that I am a threat to your Pride?" she said dryly.

"Well you were on my territory without permission-" Leona cut him off with a glare sharp enough to cut steel.

"Correction: you are on MY land without MY permission." Her smile was sickly sweet. "Let me guess you are the Alpha or King or whatever?" the man nodded.

"Yes, and you would do well to respect me rouge." Leona smirked knowingly.

"Oh no, I'm not a 'rouge' as you so put it." she said smugly. "I have my own pack, if you wish you live on OUR land then you will have to speak with the Leader." The man looked confused, as did Leon.

"We have already spoken to the Leader and they gave us permssion to be here." now it was Leona's turn to look confused.

"Really?" she murmured. "Then maybe-" her sentence was cut off as loud bang echoed through the mansion. It was followed by many angry shouts.

The Alpha jogged over to the door and threw it open. Leona saw his angry mask slip into one of slight fear amd annoyance. In the next few seconds at least ten people barged into the room. She spotted two familiar faces among them.

"Z, hey!" she called. "Nice of you to finally join the party. You think you could, oh I don't know, un-tie me perhaps?" she smiled sweetly.

"LEONA!" Z screeched, making Leona wish she could cover her ears, and ran over to her. "Oh my god are you okay? Did they hurt you? O-or-"

"Zyllah." She said firmly. "I'm fine. Now about the ropes..." she trailed off, raising her eyebrow at her friend.

"Oh yes, the ropes." Z muttered. She stared at them for a moment, her entire eyes turning dark purple. The ropes on Leona's arms began to sizzle and then disintergrate into ashes on the wooden floor.

Leon spluttered incoherently causing both girls to snap their heads to him. Z immediately advanced on him, her eyes glowing dark purple once again.

"You," she jabbed a finger in Leon's chest. "You took her. You will pay."

Crap, Leona thought.

Quickly, she leaned down and let her claws extend and shredded the rope into bits. She jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around Zyllah's body, restricting her movements.

"Calm down Zyllah." She said, her dominance clearly showing even in her hushed tone.

Z's body relaxed against Leona after almost imediately, she couldn't fight the power in her voice even if she tried. It seemed that Leon had been affected as well strangely. The rest of the room however was in chaos. The Alpha of the intruding Pride was being cornered by Calantha's guards and it was obvious that he was afraid and didn't have an ounce of Alpha blood in him. This made Leona wonder why he was even the leader of this Pride when he couldn't even hold his own against a few armed men. Then again, these men weren't ordinary. They were highly trained warriors, some of the best there were. Though they had been trained by Calantha herself and then Leona and Zyllah, they still had a fair way to go before they had even a quarter of Calantha's, Leona's and Z's skills they were still deadly as ever.

Right at that moment Calantha was shouting at the man and Leona knew she had to stop her before he got killed. She didn't like the guy but that didn't mean that she wanted to leave this Pride without an Alpha, no matter how much of a wuss he was. Once she was sure that Z wasn't going to rip Leon to shredds, Leona ran over to the woman that was the closest thing to a mother she had.

"Cal? Calantha?" she laid a hand on the woman's arm gently but firmly. "You're going to make the guy piss himself."

"Good." Calantha hissed. "He deserves it." Leona's brow creased.

"Why?" she asked carefully. "What did he do?"

"He kidnapped you." Her glance flickered to Leona's face for a moment and saw the confusion there. "I saw you tied up in the chair when we came in and don't you try do deny it missy." Leona snapped her mouth shut.

Maybe it was time to explain things a little.


That's it until next week guys!! Also, anyone know how to put pictures up on the sides that actually show up? Cause I have a few I've put up but no one can see them.

You know the drill!




FAN!! :)

ingonyama nengw' enamabala <------ it's from the Lion King on case you were wondering. It's been going around my head for the past five days.

Bella <3

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