Chapter: 8

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Man, it feels like ages since I've uploaded....

Am I weird for thinking that in year 9 maths, square roots are easier than multiplication and other such things? My mum thinks so..... :3

Anyway.... ON TO THE STORY!!! >>>>>>>>>>


Chapter: 8

As the pain slowly faded Leona fell into the usual deep sleep that happened when she blacked out, a sleep that practically no one could wake her from.

A piece of paper unfolded in her mind, literally. It opened up like a flower but in fast motion, until she was surrounded by it. A scene began to fade in around her, a bedroom, she soon realised. Olive green walls with white trimmings, a queensized bed with dark brown wooden framing and cream quilt-cover stood in the middle of the room, pushed up against the wall to her right. A dresser made with the same dark wood stood against the wall in front of her, a giant mirror on top of it. A white squishy chair sat next to her of her left along with a fluffy cream rug draped across it.

The sound of a little girls giggle broke her out of her examination of the room. Leona turned just in time to see a blonde blur whiz past her waist and into the room she was currently standing.

"Gotta hide, gotta hide." The girl muttered frantically with her back still turned.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Another voice yelled from somewhere else in the house. This time it was a boys voice and it was shortly followed by the sound of running footsteps.

The little girl growled, startling Leona. So, this girl was a shifter.

"I got it," She said, her tone suddenly happy and excited.

In the next second the little girl had shifted into a golden lion cub, her clothes shredded around her. The cub shook herself out and then pawed at the scraps until they were hidden behind the squish, white chair.

The lion cub took a running jump at the side of the bed, leapt into the air.........and bounced off the edge. The cub layed there for a second, dazed before jumping to her feet and shaking her fur out. She made another running leap for the bed and ended up with the same result.

"I'm going to find you Lee!" the little boy's voice rang out again, this time closer.

The cub's fur bristled and she made a final leap at the bed, this time succeeding in scrambling on to the top. She wasted no time in burrowing under the mountain of pillows on the bed. Luckily for her, the pillows she moved didn't fall far from their original position. Within seconds she had disapeared.

"LEE!" the boys voice rang out. Not a minute after the cub had buried herself under the pillows. His running footsteps were right outside the door and in the next second, a small blonde boy burst through.

Both of the children had the exact same shade of blonde hair and skin. Leona emediately assumed they were siblings, they were practically identical. Perhaps they were twins.

The boy sniffed the air and smiled in triumph. His footsteps became silent as he padded, barefoot, across the plush carpet and towards the bed. Since he was in human form he was a lot taller than the lion cub and was able to pull himself up on to the bed easily. He crawled on all fours towards the mountian of pillows the lion cub was hiding behind.

Leona chuckled as the end of the cub's tail poked out from behind one of the pillows on the right side. As if she was slowly backing out even as the boy stuck his head and shoulders under the pillows. The further the boy poked his head in the further the cub backed herself out. Eventually, since she was so close to the edge of the bed, the cub took a step back and fell off the side of the bed with a surprised yelp.

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