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In the spirit realm

All the head spirit animals were at a meeting, they were discussing new born's animals.

Deer: I think this one should be wolf's. *Points at girl with brown hair*

Wolf:*looks* I agree with Deer, this one sould be one of mine.

Lion: Them take her!

Wolf: I can't just take her! We need to agree that she is mine.

Bear, the leader of the spirits, picked up the girl, and started talking

Bear: Does anyone think this young girl should be their's, and not Wolf's?

No one disagreed

Bear: Wolf, she shall be your's. *hands the girl to Wolf*

Wolf: *puts paw on girl's forhead, and paw glows. The symbol for a wolf appeared on her forhead*

 The symbol for a wolf appeared on her forhead*

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Lion: I think this one should be mine. She looks like she should! *points at girl with dark brown hair*

Bear: *picks up girl* who thinks this girl should go to Lion?

No one agreed

Bear: Ok, who should she go to then?

Almost everyone said Deer

Bear: Deer, she shall be yours. *hands girl to Deer*

Deer: *puts hoof on girl's forhead, hoof glows, and the symbol for a deer appeared*

Deer: *puts hoof on girl's forhead, hoof glows, and the symbol for a deer appeared*

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And the same cycle continued for the rest of the new borns

Annnnnnndddd, stopin' there, so what do y'all think bout the prologe for this new book? Oh, and heres the symbols for the other animals.

Annnnnnndddd, stopin' there, so what do y'all think bout the prologe for this new book? Oh, and heres the symbols for the other animals

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And there's alot more, but those are the main ones.

Anyways, thx guys, vote, comment, and I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Ender out.

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