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~Kinsey's pov~

I woke up, Still in the forest behind my house. Then I remembered, Rylee! I franticly looked around to find her, and saw nothing, only a white wolf-like creature. Wait, what!? I looked at the wolf-thing, it looked like a werewolf. I turned it over to look at it's face. When I turned it over, it woke up. It had the same eyes as Rylee. It started screaming. It sounded like Rylee too. I started screeming aswell.
"Kinsey!?!" It said
"What happened to you?"
"What happened to me? What happened to you?!" She looked down at herself, and screemed, but then she looked at me.
"Well look at you!" She said. I looked at myself. I no longer had legs, I now had the lower half of a deer. I screamed. Then I remembered what Na'tok said, I felt my head, and, yep, sure enough, there antlers, they were quite big. Then felt my ear, it was a deer's ear.

Rylee got up.
"Well, we sould go check on everyone else." She said.
"Yea." I then tried to get up. I stood for 3 seconds, but then fell down.
"Here, let me help you." Rylee said. She put her arm under mine, and around my back, and I wraped my arm around her neck. This helped, alot. It will take some time for me to learn how to walk again.

We slowly made our way back to my house. No one was there. Oh yea! My mom and step dad had left for their aniversery, So my big brother was incharge, but he left to work. So we had the house to ourselfs. I sat down on the floor in the living room, while Rylee got her phone, and called Kayla.

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