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Louis wakes up Niall and tells him to shower while he makes breakfast. He smiles as his phone buzzes.

From Harry:
Good morning, gorgeous xxx

To Harry:
You trying to get lucky? Xxx

From Harry:
Is it working? Xxxx

To Harry:
Maybe ;) xxxx

He turns the bacon over and puts the bread in the toaster. The kettle is on with two cups ready.

Niall comes out after about ten minute, grinning at Louis.
"You're amazing," he says as he begins eating his breakfast.
"I know. Are you nervous?" Louis asks.
"I suppose a little bit. But I can get by without this job, it's just for a bit of extra money."
"I'm sure you'll be fine, Ni," Louis reassures.

They  continue to talk about the interview and about university until Niall's alarm goes off and he has to leave.
"I should be back at about half ten, alright?" Niall says as he pulls his coat on.
"That's fine, Ni. Me and Harry are going out at half eleven. Good luck."

Louis goes and showers, singing to the music over the sound of water. He curses when his phone starts ringing and hurries to get out and dry his hand.

"Hello?" He asks, leaving the bathroom.
"Hi, Lou," his mum says down the phone. He smiles.
"Hi mum. You alright?"
"Yes, Lou, I'm fine. Was just checking up on you before you start uni."
"I'm good. Actually, I have something to tell you. I-I found my soulmate."
"Oh my god! Louis that's amazing!" Jay gasps. "What's their name, what do they look like? What colour is your hair?"

"His name is Harry. He is tall and has blue, curly hair. He has a really big smile and green eyes. He's got dimples, he's wonderful," Louis sighs happily.
"Where are his initials on you and where are yours on him?"she asks.
"Mine are below his left ear and his are on my neck. We um- we met at a party," Louis stumbles, blushing.
"That's nice, Lou," his mum says calmly to make sure he's not uncomfortable.

"Oh and Niall has two soulmates. His soulmate Zayn is Harry's best friend. And his other soulmate is Liam. Zayn and Liam have half brown, half blue hair. Niall has light brown hair and dark brown hair."
"Dear god, you're away for a week and everything happens all at once. When do I get to meet this Harry?"
"I'll ask him if he can come when I come down next," Louis smiles. "How are the girls?"
"They're great, they will be made up to see you and Harry if he can come. Right, I'll let you get back to Harry. Love you, Lou."
"Love you, mum," Louis smiles. "I'll talk to you soon."

He texts Harry and asks how he should dress, where they're going for lunch.

From Harry:
Wear whatever you're comfortable with, I'm just wearing jeans and a t shirt. You'll look great in anything xxxx

To Harry:
You're so cheesy, loser. Thank you xxxxx

Harry grins down at his phone, going into Zayn's room.
"Have you got my redplaid shirt?"
"Yeah, it ended up in my pile the other day. It's in the wardrobe on the left," Zayn nods.
"You're going to Niall's today?" Harry asks as he buttons up his shirt.
"Yeah, mind dropping me off when you pickup Louis? Liam is going for eleven but I'm fine going later,"Zayn asks hopefully.
"Sure. Does Liam need picking up?"
"Nah, he's like a three minute walk from Niall. Thanks man," Zayn smiles.
"No problem. Just be at the door for ten to eleven."
"Will do."

Liam gets to Niall's place first, smiling at Louis who opens the door.
"Hi, Niall's just getting changed, he'll be out in a minute. Want a drink?"
"Yes please."
"Sounds great."

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