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Harry, Zayn and Liam leave later in the night, kissing their soulmates goodbye. Niall and Louis grin at each other and flop onto the couch.

"They're amazing," Niall sighs contently.
"Soulmates are great," Louis smiles. Niall nods in agreement.
"Did you and Harry have sex?" Niall asks.
"No, just dry humped really. It's nice, going slow with it and knowing I've got my whole life with him."
"You've already had sex though?" Niall says, confused.
"I'm pretending it hasn't happened really. I can't remember it and that makes me sad. So we're going slow with it, no pressure," Louis explains.
"Ah okay," Niall nods in understanding.

"Have you done anything else with Liam and Zayn?"
"Gave Liam a hand job/ blow job kinda," Niall shrugs.
"Kinda?" Louis asks, smiling at Niall's blush.
"My lips were on his dick but his dick wasn't inside my mouth," Niall explains, cheek bright red.

"Ah. D'you think you will have sex?"
"Yeah. I just don't know when. They won't make me do anything I don't want to, though. They know I'm quite nervous about it. I thought I was, but today just felt so natural," Niall talks, letting his word flow freely.

"Would you bottom or top?" Louis asks, laughing when Niall buries his face into the couch.
"I don't know, both? I'll get back to you on that," Niall sighs.
"Okay. That's okay," Louis reassures and throws an arm over Niall's chest. Niall smiles and tugs Louis closer.

Niall groans as he wakes up, a phone ringing. Louis is still asleep lying partly on him.
"Lou, wake up," Niall moans, looking around for the phone. Louis mumbles and tries to push his face further into Niall's shoulder.
"Louis, wake up," Niall shouts.

Louis sits up and scrubs at his eyes.
"I'm awake. Turn the phone off."
"It's Harry. You were lying on it."

Louis grabs the phone, answering.
"Hello?" Louis asks. Niall ruffles his hair and gets up to put the kettle on and make breakfast.
"Hey babe," Harry says, smiling at the sound of Louis' voice.
"What's up?" Louis asks.
"Want to come round to mine today? I'm going shopping if you want to come," Harry offers.
"Yeah. Fancy picking me up on your way to the shops?"
"Yeah. I'll be there at eleven. See you then, love."
"Bye, Haz."

Niall smiles over at Louis.
"Going out with lover boy?" He asks.
"Yeah. Going shopping. I'll pick some stuff up for you if you want?" Louis says, thanking Niall when he passes him a cup of tea and a bowl of cereal.
"If you see anything you think I'll like grab it and I'll pay you back."
"Alright. You going to invite Liam and Zayn round?"
"Yeah, might invite them to spend the night if that's okay," Niall shrugs.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll ask Harry if I can stay at his," Louis smiles. "Ugh I need a shower."
"Me too. I'll have one after I've cleaned my room."

Louis finishes his breakfast, putting the dishes in the sink before he goes to shower.

When he comes out of his room, dressed and ready Harry is in the living room with Niall.
"Morning," Harry smiles. Louis grins, leaning down to kiss him slowly.
"See you soon, Niall," Harry says.
"Oh actually Ni is going to ask Zayn and Liam stay tonight. Could I stay at yours? It's okay if I can't-"
"That sounds great. Go get your stuff."

Louis winks at Niall when he comes out with his bag.
"Let's go then, Lou."
"Seriously, don't get come on the couch."

Louis and Harry walk hand in hand around the shopping centre, Louis tugging Harry into the first shop he sees.
"Might buy Niall some frilly knickers," Louis snickers as they walk past the girls underwear section.

"Mm, I'd love to see you in a pair," Harry hums, pressing himself to Louis' back. Louis bites his lip. "You'd look lovely- God, you'd look stunning."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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