Chapter 7: How they settled

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Colonnello sighed as he walked through the streets of Namimori. With him was Viper, Reborn, and Verde. The four of them were tasked to find a "suitable" home for them and to baby proof it before the others come over. Once they find a suitable home they were supposed to prepare the said home for something Colonnello had no idea what but Luce had told him to do so along with Lal so he went along with it. After they got kicked out of the apartment in Italy the next day, the four of them went straight using a Giglio Nero private jet and now they were here.

Now that he thought about it...

He understood why Reborn was there, Lal had played the "if you want to be the kid's godfather you WILL do this" card and so Reborn had no choice but to follow, but he didn't understand why on earth Verde and Viper were both with them.

"So I get Reborn, kora. But the hell are the two of you here too?" he asked as he looked at the two (in his opinion) most creepy members of the Arcobaleno.

Viper shrugged. "Do you morons know how to haggle a price to the lowest value? I think not," she said huffing at them.

Verde huffed before pushing his glasses up a little. "Luce forced me into it. She doubted that you two knew how to actually baby proof a house," he answered.

"Baby- what?" Colonnello asked.

"Are you stupid? He said baby proof. It's the procedure of making sure one's home is completely safe for toddlers to grow up in." Reborn explained.

"What- but Tsunayoshi's still an infant, kora! Can barely sit up by himself!"

"It's better to be safe than sorry. In fact, I have a video that you can view while we search for an appropriate house." Verde said and gave his pad to Colonnello.

The unsuspecting father grabbed the pad and began to watch the video, coincidentally Reborn peeked over and watched the video alongside him.

Meanwhile back in Italy.

"Oh, I think this would be cute! Oh, but this one would be cuter!"

"I believe what's more important is that it is comfortable enough for the child."

"Wait wait why are we using my money?!"

Lal Mirch was in a bit of a pinch at the moment as she held Tsunayoshi in her arms. The little baby not knowing what was going on and was simply playing with his stuffed lion toy while in a happy mood. "Are all these necessary? Can't he just live with simple baby clothes?" she asked as she stared at all the onesies, shirts, pants, and socks. They seemed to be even buying enough clothes to last the boy five years.

"What are you talking about Lal! Of course, it's important! Don't you want him to be the envy of all the other mothers!" Luce asked as she continued to scroll through the baby needs shopping website for more clothing and more stuff, a little bathtub, some baby safe shampoos, clothing, and toys were a few of what she was buying.

"Hey don't ignore me!" Skull said as he continued to complain on, why they were buying things under the dare devil's name.

"Because if anyone is tracking this and finds out we were buying these sort of things they would get suspicious. Even if they come after you, you could clearly say it was for charity and part of your daredevil gig. In your case, it'll give you a better image and heighten your popularity but in our case, we would only be made as assassination targets, more specifically our child whom we bought it for." Fon explained quite plainly.

"Don't worry Skull, we'll make sure to pay you back just like we always do!" Luce said smiling.

"Wait, you two did this before?!" Skull asked

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