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She is forced to walk into her bathroom. She has absolutely no control over her own actions.
She opens that cabinet attached to the wall and grabs out her depression pills.
Turns on the tap and fills a glass with water.
As much as Olivia fights the inner urge to do what she knows he is about to make her do, she has no control of the situation.

She opens the cap on the bottle of pills and necks the whole lot, swilling it down with the water.

Tears are pouring from her eyes as she realises what is going to happen.

She grabs her shaver and takes the blades out of the packet. Suddenly the blade comes into contact with her skin. She watches in horror as the blood pours out of her veins.

Out of no where she drops the blade and walks out of the bathroom, with her arm still dripping blood all over her clothes and the carpet.

She walks to the window of her apartment and smashes it with a chair.
She cries and internally begs Lewis to stop and she is forced to stand on the edge of broken window, with now her bare feet bleeding because of the broken glass.

Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

She takes in one deep breath as she steps off of the edge.

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