James Bond is a TimeLord...

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There are more than a few theories surrounding the most famous MI6 agent in cinematic history. Some suggest that 'James Bond' is a codename, inherited by each new 007 – this theory goes some way to explaining why Bond's face changes periodically. There is some evidence to suggest that this isn't the case, though: small moments in the series reference adventures that have happened to previous Bonds, even when a new actor has taken up the role.

For some fans, the perfect explanation is that two beloved British heroes are in fact connected: James Bond is a Time Lord, who regenerates when killed in action. This would explain why the character has a complete recollection of his past lives even when he takes on a different face.

This theory can never be confirmed or denied, but it does open up some interesting questions for both franchises – for example, how did a Time Lord end up working for British Intelligence, and why wouldn't the Doctor know about another Time Lord operating on his favorite planet?

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