16. Our First One

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Chapter (16) - Our First One

We kept talking about families for some time, then we switched to another topic, then another, and another; it all went so easily. Neither of us pushed each other. We just said what came to mind, naturally. It felt so good. In fact, I didn't even think about words before saying them, feeling too comfortable with her to prepare words and wrap them up.

Somehow, we ended up cuddling while blackmailing LeeLee and the boys. It wasn't really blackmailing. We were just sending them funny and embarrassing pictures using each other's phones since LeeLee didn't have my number and the boys didn't have Hanya's. It was fun, imagining how would they react and seeing what they sent back. And, hearing the comments Hanya would say, I couldn't help but crack up at every word she said.

Oh that one – it was LeeLee trying to get a good pic of us, but then she thought she saw a Harry Potter book and started fangirling when I captured it,” she commented casually on one of the pictures that already made me laugh, making me laugh ever harder.

What are you laughing at? For God's sake, that happens all the time,” she says, like what she said before was very normal. “What the fuck is that? Was Zayn trying to lick Louis' eyebrow?”

She looked at one of the pictures then at me with a very confused look, also making me laugh so hard.

Wait, are you taking a photo of Liam's nose?” she exclaimed again, like the blunt person she is; she put her hand on my shoulder and said solemnly, “Niall dear, noses aren't for taking photos.”

How the fuck did you know it was Liam's nose?” I asked.

'Cos he's the only one with this round nose. It looks round and small like that, you know? It's lovely,” she tried to explain it, using her hands in a funny way, which made me laugh.

Yet, there was something weird. I felt a bit of jealousy... I didn't know what it was, but the fact that she called Liam's nose lovely annoyed me a bit. I knew it was damn silly, but if she saw Liam's nose as lovely, then she found his whole face lovely or cute or whatever... I just didn't like it.

And, there were many other comments like that. Then we, of course, felt hungry. It's hard not to be hungry when you're Niall Horan or Hanya Bruce. So, we ordered McDonald's. Well, Hanya was really fond of that restaurant. Then, when it arrived, we, for some reason, sat on the living room floor, eating the massive amount of food that we ordered.

You know this reminds me of you,” I said, raising one of the fries in front of my eyes. “Not fries, but potatoes in general.”

She looked at me in a weird way, some surprise crossing her eyes with amusement and happiness in the background. She seriously needed a picture.

How did you know?” she took a deep breath, with her eyes wider than usual.

How did I know what?”

That I'm a potato.”

You are?” I arched an eyebrow.

I am,” she confirmed. “It's an inside joke. How do you know that?”

I didn't know it was an inside joke in the first place,” I exclaimed, and she gasped. “You do remind me of a potato. Really.”

She laughed her trade-mark cotton candy laugh. I love that laugh. It's just so spontaneous, like a little kid's. She laughs to make everyone else laugh with her, to spread happiness all around when she doesn't usually have it. I bet the main reason this laugh was created was to charm me this way.

LeeLee told you, I know it,” she moved her hand in the air like saying “it's not important.”

She didn't. I swear,” I insist.

Fine,” she says, stuffing so many fries in my mouth.

I threw some at her, and then we started a fry fight. We fell, sat up again, ran after each other, and did all sorts of nonsense things till I ended up tempting her with one.

You ain't taking that,” I said, moving the fries with her moving after it like a little puppy following its master. “Na-uh!”

Then, I got a brilliant idea, and as usual, I didn't fight it. We were so comfortable, and I couldn't find a better chance. I brought the fry closer to my face, moved it a bit further just so she wouldn't suspect anything, and brought it back close to my mouth, opening it like I was the one who was going to eat it. This was all with her face very close to the fry so that she could get it. Then, suddenly and very quickly, I took the fry away and captured her lips between mine.

I moved my lips slowly and sweetly, afraid she might not react. She was frozen for a couple of seconds, but then she reacted. She moved her lips also slowly and moved her hands to cup my face. It felt spectacular, sending shivers all over my body, renewing every part of it.

She pulled back after what seemed like an eternity, her lips glossy and her eyes wide open, sparkling as I had never seen them shine before. Then, a little smile crept to her face, and she looked away at the food.

I think we should thank McDonald's,” she blurted out, actually making me laugh.

She can always be the most random person no matter who she was with, even if she was in a mental institution. She would still be the most random person. But, she was right. McDonald's was the first place we went to together, and there it was. Our first kiss while we were having a late McDonald's dinner. The perfect kiss for people like us.

Do you always have to be random?” I asked while laughing.

It's my nature, love,” she replied offhandedly.

I laughed again, shortly this time. I knew I laughed too much whenever I was with her, but that was because I was happy. It all came out of joy. I was always said to be the one who laughs the most among the boys, but when I'm with Hanya, it's doubled. It's a bit silly, and I sound like a girl in high school. But seriously, those girls know how it feels. They're experts.

After some time of just messing around – no food this time – she said what I had been dreading.

Niall, I should go,” she said, obviously sorry.

She stood up, and I hurried after her.

Wait,” I stopped her and gave her a little peck. “Now, you can go. I just... liked it very much.”

She waved shyly and went. A couple of minutes later, I received a text.

I liked it too by the way.”


They Kissed!! Yay! Happy for you, Secret Agent Double He (one of our weird nicknames, never you mind)!

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Roaa. xo

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