Kyoko & Me~ We Finds You

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she's my first anime crush ~^~ shes just so dang cool

Kit~ you baka

Shush Im the author of this series

Kit~ so what what about Sayaka X Kyoko

I still ship them

Sayaka~ -_-......

0w0""""" H-hi Sayaka

Kit~ Just do a threeso-*gets bonked* OW!!!

Homura~ shut up you idiot

Kit~*holds head* geez

Kyoko~ quit abusing the cat prune juice

~all of the Arguing~

Mami~ Stop arguing or I'll Tori Final all of you!!!

~we all stop ~))

"Come on Kyoko pleaaaaaaaaase."said Ashley, wanting to go to the candy store for pockys

"We have to go home Ash its late."Said Kyoko

"But you ate all my pockys!!"Whined Ashley

"Your fault for leaving them out Ash."Said Kyoko, petting the brown haired neko's head

"but Kyoko its only 9:30 pleaaaaaaaaaase!!!"Begged Ashley

".....fine but your buying me some pockys too."Said Kyoko, smirking

"Its a deal."Said Ashley, her tail wagging

~ crying~

"Did you hear that!"Said Ashley,her ears perking up

"Hear what?"Asked Kyoko

"030 ITSCRYINGILLSAVEYOUPERSON!!!"Yelled Ashley,as she ran off

Kyoko ran after her crazy neko lover as she ran into a dark alley seeing a man yelling a woman holding a baby girl in her arms, the man had a gun and he shot the woman that's when Ashley went lion (IM GOING GHOST!!!! .....I'll stop)) and tackled the man down as Kyoko was trying to help the woman.

"Damn there's to much blood, we need to get you to a hospital."Said Kyoko, trying to help the woman up

"N-no late..... for me..... take Y/N please.....her Y/B/D..k-keep...her safe...."Said The woman handing a H/C  baby girl with E/C as she passed on

"YoujerkImgonnakillyou!!"Growled the very angry lion Ashley

" ash let him go you already knocked him out."Said Kyoko

"But he killed the kids mom he has to die!!"Said Ashley

"Do you wanna be the mom or do you wanna be in jail and get your l butt raped in the showers?"Said Kyoko

" ......fine...."Said Ashley, turning back to normal

You started to cry for your mom Kyoko slowly rocked you and you began to calm down, Ashley looked at you and smiled as Kyoko handed you to her. You looked at her neko ears and you reached up and pet them gently as Ashley purred.

"Don't worry Y/N me and you new papa will keep you safe."Said Ashley, as Kyoko hugged her from behind smiling

" yup that's right."Said Kyoko

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