Meeting Someone ( Madoka)

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( I'm also doing a madoka x Homura chapter for all you Madoka x Homura lovers )

Madoka decided to to take you to the mall for baby toys ,she got you all dressed up in  a adorable pink dress along with a pink bow in you H/C; she strapped you gently into a baby stroller headed out. You giggled with joy loving all the sights in front of you; eventually you two made it to the mall after a hour or so of shopping Madoka took you to the food court where she found Homura talking with Ashley; Ashely was first to notice you .

" oh my god she's so cuuuuuute!!!" Ashely squealed , causing you to giggle

" heh thank you this is Y/N she's my daughter ." Madoka said

" when did you get a baby ?" Homura asked , with  her normal face expression

: one explanation later:

" well I believe your going to be a great mom Madoka ." Ashely said , smiling

" she is..cute ." Homura said , she she carried you in her arms

You looked up at Homura with you big kawaii E/C eyes , and grabbed her face cheeks with your chubby lil hands causing her to smile a lil . Ashely smiled  as she took a picture. Homura glares at her before handing you over to Madoka ready to kill the brown haired neko.

" delete that now." Homura growled

" YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!" Ashley yelled, running away with her phone

Homura soon began to chase after Ashely , not before saying by to you and Madoka ; Madoka couldn't stop herself from laughing as she said bye , you waved goodbye giggling . Today sure was a fun day

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