Dan's POV

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I look over at my best friend. He is so focused on playing this game it's adorable. I look back at my phone. Today is the day. I will tell that I am bisexual. Even though I am not, I know I am gay. Its just so hard, so hard to come out. So hard give this information.
"Dan you said you would make a video today," Phil says.
"I know I am going!" I get up and walk to my room. I set up the camera and sit down.
"Hello Internet!" I greet in the same way as always,"Today we are talking about something kind of personal. I mentioned it in my 'Roast Yourself' video. Its time to talk about my sexuality." I say. Phil walks in.
"Hey. Uhm I'm going out," he says.
"Okay. I am leaving this in so they know how much of a butt you are," he nods and walks out. "But anyways. I like girls... And guys. Mom, Dad if you are watching this I am sorry. I have fallen for this really nice person. And this person does me good. Even though the person doesn't like me back," I say talking about Phil, "Let's call this person Vampire. We'll Vampire doesn't know how I feel. And never will. Our parents wouldn't approve. Because he is a guy. Vampire is a guy. I know how wrong this is. But I don't think I care. I wish I didn't feel this way because he is straight. He'll never love me. At least not how I love him. So this is the closest I'll get. Vampire, I love you. Seeing you everyday kills me. Knowing I'll never be with you kills me. Ugh this *fan* is annoying!" I say putting an emphasis on fan. Meaning 'Phan' not 'fan'. "Okay but anyways. I promise a new video next week. If not I will shave my head! Please subscribe! Love you!"
-time skip-
I lay in my bed about to post my video MY CONFESSION!
I then post this video on Twitter and announce my new video.

Authors note:
I hope you all enjoyed that. First fan fiction I have ever posted!

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