Dan's POV

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I stop a payphone and put in a coin. And call home to Phil. No answer.
"Phil. I am on my way home. I miss you. I miss my best friend," I say. I have a big smile on my face. I love him. And even if I can't be with him romantically. He is my best friend. I love him,"See you in an hour or three" I say tears of joy running down my face. "I'm going home," keeps running through my head. I have no idea what Phil has been saying about me due to my lack of internet. "What if he has a new house mate?"
"Dan you okay?" Julie asks.
"Never better," I say. I grab my two suitcases and head toward the end of the road. Where we catch a cab.
   We are at the airport with our tickets. I walk over to a payphone and try and call home but Phil doesn't answer,"I am on the next flight!  Why aren't you answering my calls? I miss you. I'll be there in three hours at most. I love you," I say, then hang up. 
"Did he answer?" Julie asks.
"No. He may be asleep. It is only nine. So, yeah he is asleep."
"Dan!" I hear someone call. A girl about thirteen walks up with some of my merch on.
"Hi!" I say.
"Hi! I'm a big fan," she says. She has bright red hair under the lion hat she has on.
"Awesome!" I say "Want a hug?"
"Yes!"  She says. I hug her and take a picture with her, "Is this your girlfriend. Oh God stupid question. I shouldn't have asked that," she says.
"No its fine. She is my cousin actually. Oh there's my flight," I say as they call me.         

A/N hope you enjoy                                                                     

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