Chapter 15

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Dan's POV.

I walk into the waiting room, no one is there. I sit down and hold my knees up to my chest. I keep crying. I don't know why someone would do this to him. I hate this. I hate knowing someone is out there who tried to kill Phil. 

A police walks in. I have talked to them once, and now they are back. "Hello," I  say. 

"Hello are you Daniel?" One officer asks. I nod. "We think we found who shot Phil," the officer says. 

"Really?" I ask. "Already?" 

"Yes sir," the officer says. 

"Thank you," I say. They nod. 

"We have reason to believe that in was a girl named Jay," the officer, Officer Lyinn says. I look down.  "Do you know this woman?" 

"No, sir," I say and look at him. He looks at me. 

"Okay, Daniel will you please call us when Phil is stable enough to talk to me?" Officer Lyinn says. I nod. 

"Yes, sir" I say. He nods and says goodbye and walks out. I look around. It's completely empty besides from me. I find it weird seeing that it is the gun shot unit place.

Everyone must be with their loved one. I can't be with mine. I hate this. I hate I can't be with him.

I sit down, and look at my phone. I scroll through Tumblr. A lot of the Phan tag is stuff about how I am being so strong. I shake my head. I walk into a one room bathroom and sit my phone where it is recording me.
"Hello Internet," I say. "Today I want to talk about Phil. And how I am not strong. I have not been strong. I have cried. And cried and I just. Stop saying I am strong.Phil is the strong one. He is the one who is surviving," I start crying again. "I have been in love with this man since I was 18. I can't lose him. I just can't.Everyone has told him 'It's okay to let go,' but it isn't. I can't stand to lose him. Being away from him right now is hurting me," I go on for a minute or two about how much I love him. 

"I hate myself because he was the one who was shot. I wish it was me. He is to perfect to be shot. He doesn't deserve this. Any of it. I wish I could have protected him from it. I want to go back in time and prevent it from happening," I say. "I want this to be over. I want to be back in London with my amazing boyfriend." I keep crying. I talk for a minute more about this and stop crying. I give an update and end the video. I walk out to the waiting area and sit down. 

I tweet: Hey guys I am uploading an uncut video to talk about some things. Love you. 

I go to YouTube and start uploading it. Five minutes of raw unedited video. 

A PA comes on "CODE BLUE. I repeat CODE BLUE. CHECK YOUR PAGERS FOR ROOM NUMBER" I look down the hall way and see people running into Phil's room. I sit down and cry. 

Julie's P.O.V  

"Stop!" I laugh as PJ calls me out onto the panel. 

"No. You can answer Phan's questions!"  PJ says. He stands up as everyone calls my name. He pulls me onto the stage. I laugh and wave. 

"Everyone say Hi," Tom says (Tomska).

"Hi!" everyone screams. I wave again and PJ sits back down inviting me over. 

"Questions," Chris says. 

I get a text. I look at it, and start crying.

A/N: OKIE ummmm yeah. Bye. Love you. Sorry for the short chapter btw. <3  

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