Chapter 28- Graduation day

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Edited this chapter. Feel free to point out if there's any mistakes.

Lux's P.O.V.

Today is graduating day. After the long eventful summer I've had and the school year where Claire Tanner made my life a living he'll do the fact that I'm pregnant, I was glad that it was finally over. Our baby is ready to be born and in just another week we'd be able to hold it in our arms. I wanted the gender to be a surprise so we don't quite know what we're going to get but according to Steven it's a girl.

Steven is really excited, last weekend he set up the crib and did the final touch ups in the baby's room. He loves touching my belly and speaking to it as if the baby is able to hear us. Aunt Shelly gave birth a week after we came home from England and then left the week after she came home from the hospital. She and her husband is happy living in their house in New York raising their son. Mia and Josh went back to their house but I hear her marriage with Josh's dad isn't going to well. She found out he cheated on her.

"Can Lux Greyson, our validvictorian of the year please come and say a few words?" The principal asked. I got up and made my way on stage.

"Dear class of 2014, I would like to tell you a short story that I hope would give you wisdom and strength to carry with you for the rest of your life. We have had a long four years with each other, building and breaking friendships and hearts. To those people who were like me, a nerd or some firm of nerd. Never give up on your dreams no matter what people say. I've had my fare share of bullying due to a small human being growing inside of me. We all make mistakes but we learn from them. To those who were popular or some form of  popular. Your status in high school will mean nothing out there in the real world. All I ask of everyone sitting in front of me right now is to forgive and forget. Stop living in the past and stop trying to predict the future. Live in the present. Enjoy yourself.
Because yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That's why they call it the present. Take care of yourselves and don't forget to have fun," I smiled at them. We've made it.

"Now can everyone please flip their tossles to the other side," I asked taking the golden strands and flipped them to the other side.

"Congratulations class of 2014!  You have successfully graduated," I smiled tossing my grad cap in the air. Cheers were heard around us as everyone tossed their caps. I smiled at everyone and stepped down from the stage. Steven came up to me and gave me a hug, careful not to squeeze my stomach.

"We did it baby girl," he said excitedly kissing me. I smiled at him pulling away.

"Okay love birds I'd like some pictures of you two," David interrupted.

"OK Dad," Steven groaned putting his arms around my waist. We smiled holding up our diplomas. Then Steven got down on his knee and pulled out a black velvet box. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I clutched my hand over my mouth.

"I know I already asked you this but I want to ask you properly. I'm not doing this just because you're having my kid but I'm doing this simply because I love you. So Lux Clarabella Greyson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked still looking up at me smiling.

"Yes, I will," I said excitedly. Steven got up hugging me and kissing me. Cheers were heard all around us. We looked up and laughed at the people surrounding us. He slipped the beautiful golden circle with a small red stone on my finger. I hugged him again.

" Let's go celebrate," David spoke. We smiled and followed him to the car. We drove to a small dinner at the edge of town that had the best food. Once we were inside to restaurant we were greeted by everyone. Angelique, Scott, Mia, Shelly, Josh, Zach, Lina, Mrs. Gilbert and Grandma McNally.

"Congratulations!!" They all yelled in unison. We smiled at them and walked over.

"Congratulations dear," Grandma McNally said wrapping me in a hug.

"Thanks Grandma," I replied letting go.

"Hey girl, let me see the beauty on your finger," Lina ordered grabbing my hand.

"Damn it's so pretty," Angelique commented. I smiled at them.

"Thanks,"I said sitting down unable to stand up anymore. My belly is really big, I just want to hold my baby already.

"So when I'd your wedding?" Shelly asked moving closer to me.

"We're getting married after the baby is born," I replied rubbing my stomach.

"We're all invited right," Mia asked looking at me.

"Yes of course," Steven replied chuckling.

"Good, now let's eat I'm starving," David spoke sitting down. We all sat down around the large booth. I was extremely happy. At that specific moment I realized I had everything I ever needed. I had loving friends all who will soon be my family. I had a loving fiancé and I was carrying his baby. I couldn't be more happier. Sure I've been through a lot but it's true when they say there's light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish, still, that everyday my parents could be right next to me. I miss them always and I'll never forget that they loved me even if I'm too young to remember them. There's still however one thing I want to do. I want to find my uncle and make amends with him even if he doesn't want me. He's still my family, my only family and I want him at my wedding along with my cousins. After all my mom would've been proud of me for having the courage to have survived this long without him.
This will be a day to remember, my graduation.

Hey guys, how did you like the chapter? Like I promised here is another one. So please comment and vote.

Mars :)

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