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The tour bus stopped at what looked to be an old gas station so the boys and myself could be transferred to a normal car. I had been untied so if anyone were to see us it wouldn’t look like I was a kidnapped girl being taken by One Direction. I thought it was funny listening to the boys argue about what they could’ve done instead of taking me and hiding the body of a young girl. Harry didn’t seem to pay any mind to them as he downed a beer while watching the road pass by us in a flash. I jumped when Liam put his hand on my shoulder since I didn’t expect it but looked up at him. I knew he probably had some questions for me but I could see by his face he was unsure as to whether he should ask them or not. I looked him in the eyes and nodded an encouraging nod. I’m not sure why I was so calm around the boys since they had just killed my sister and kidnapped me, although in their defense I agreed to it, but I felt comfortable around all of them except Harry. Harry wanted to hurt me, no kill me, and he would the second he got the chance if none of the boys were watching him.

“What’s your name?” I chuckled quietly to myself leaving Liam looking at me confused.

“Call me, Zee.” I didn’t want them to know my real name yet, so I would only tell them if necessary and right now it was not necessary.

“That can’t be your real name.” Niall piped up.

“It’s not, but it’s the one I use and the only one I like to go by.” The boys nodded.

“Where’d you get that stupid name from anyways?” Harry asked. He was obviously attempting to hide his anger but he wasn’t doing a very good job at it.

“It’s what my sister called me because she could pronounce my real name. I’d like to hold onto something from my sister if it’s alright with you jackass.” The other boys flinched at mine and Harry’s voices but we hated each other and that wasn’t going to change as far as I’m concerned.

“Anyways, Zee, tell us more about your sister.” I looked at Zayn with a glare. They were talking like they hadn’t just caused her death and this was some stupid twenty questions party. I knew I was only becoming angry because of Harry butting in so I tried to calm myself down before responding.

“My little sister’s name was Sarah and today was her seventeenth birthday. She was born with a development issue that made her mental age only twelve years old so she always needed a caretaker. Tomorrow she was supposed to be taken away to an institution that specializes in developmental disabilities because my father was remarrying and my step-mother didn’t want a ‘retarded’ kid to ruin her family. I couldn’t save my sister because I sacrificed my life to care for her at my father’s home. I dropped out of college, broke up with my fiance, and even had to move back in with my father to care for her. Sarah was my life and each time she questioned me I would lie to her because I didn’t want her to know that she was the reason I gave up everything...” I looked down at my lap as I talked about my sister. Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me over to him in a hug. I used my hair to hide the tears that I couldn’t stop from falling and did my best not to make any sounds. I didn’t want to seem weak because I needed to protect myself from Harry at this point.

“We’re here Zee.” I nodded not looking up from behind my hair and allowed Liam to help me inside what I assumed to be their temporary home.

“Uhm Zee...” I looked up at Niall as he rubbed the back of his head.

“None of our rooms have space for you to sleep except Harry’s room. We don’t want to stick you with him but we kind of have no choice since you have to stay with one of us.” I nodded and looked back down at the floor. I knew if I spoke I would burst with the tears that I was holding back. Harry grabbed me by the arm with as much force as he could muster and looked at the boys with hate. He drug me off towards what I assumed to be his room causing me to stumble and not be able to keep my balance. I fell just short of his door which made him yank me up from the floor and push me into his room. He slammed the door as he walked over to his closet and pulled out four pairs of handcuffs that I assumed he normally used for pleasure. Harry grabbed my arm and roughly pinned it behind my back with the other one before putting the handcuffs on my wrists. I fought him the best that I could before he slapped the handcuffs onto my ankles and tightened them as tight as possible to the point my ankles hurt to even move. He pulled off my plain white Nike sneakers along with my socks and threw them off to the side. I was completely at his mercy and he knew it just as much as I did.

Harry grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off of the ground while grinning. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him as he held me close to his face so he’d been drinking all day long. I struggled in his hands as he started putting pressure on my neck and choking me slightly. None of the other boys could hear us this far down from the living room so they had no idea that I was being strangled in Harry’s bedroom.

I gasped as Harry started putting all of his force onto my neck restricting my oxygen flow completely. I tried to get my hands out of the handcuffs so I could pull his hand away but it was no use. I was going to die by Harry Styles and I couldn’t do anything about it at this point. I let out a small gasp before closing my eyes accepting the fate that was sure to come. Spots started dancing around my eyes and everything seemed to be far away as my eyes fully closed and I passed out in Harry’s hand.

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