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The boys had been gone for almost a week now which left just Harry and I in the house. I still held doubts about being alone with Harry but I could see that he was definitely trying. He constantly checked on me and made sure to put distance between us unless I said it was okay which was nice, but also made me feel alone. I understood why Harry was keeping his distance since he was suffering from hardcore withdrawals without alcohol going through his system and there was no telling what he would do should he get angry, but I wanted company. I was trying so hard to mourn the loss of my sister but I wasn’t sad, I was happy for her because should she have lived she would’ve been isolated from us which would’ve made her miserable. I remember the long nights of listening to her cry and beg to our father to let her stay home with us but he would always say no, Sarah would then run to me and beg me to help her but I couldn’t. I couldn’t change our dads mind and I couldn’t take care of her on my own which left me feeling guilty. Her dying set her free from her own suffering and there wasn’t anything I would change about that except joining her in that afterlife.

I was snapped from my thoughts by a rough knock on the door. I thought about who it could be as I walked up to the door and peeked out. On the other side of the door was a beautiful woman with striking black hair and beautiful emerald eyes, I was hesitant to open door but decided to anyways. The woman looked surprised to see me standing there looking at her and cleared her throat.

“I heard Harry wasn’t joining this year's tour so I thought I would stop by and see if he’s okay, is he home?” I nodded and held up one finger.

“Harry!” I heard a grunt as he opened his door and made his way to me. He froze as he joined me at his side and looked out at the woman. She smirked as she looked back at him and I realized that I had made a big mistake because this was the girl he nearly killed me over.

Harry balled up his fists and growled at the girl, “what do you want Nicole?”

“Oh nothing really, there’s been some rumors floating around that you guys kidnapped a girl. In fact, that looks like her right there and where’s the other one? The missing reports say that there were two that disappeared at your concert.” I could clearly see the anger rising from Harry as she purposely messed with him. I stepped in front of Harry and looked at her with a glare.

“Lemme clear a few things up real quick. A, I am not being held hostage and have not been kidnapped. B, I’m Harry’s new girlfriend that’s picking up the pieces you left behind. And last but not least, C, you have no business being here anymore as you were the one that left him, so do that again and scram bitch.” I slammed the door on her face and looked up at Harry. I wasn’t sure why I defended a murderer and abuser but I knew it was something I needed to do.

I turned to look at Harry and could see that he was clearly angry with me. I sighed as I headed for his room which seemed to be the place he felt most comfortable hurting me and sat on his bed as he walked in. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand make contact with my face and held back tears I so badly wanted to allow to fall. Harry lifted me up off the bed by grabbing my throat and instantly thoughts went back to when he first did this to me. I grabbed his hand this time not allowing him the upper hand and looked at him sternly.

“Harry, remember what Liam told you. I don’t want you to be hurt by Liam when they return and see new bruises.” Harry seemed to snap from his senses as he dropped me and distanced himself from me. I left his room and went straight to Liam’s room where I had made myself comfortable. I would give Harry his space and let him come to me when he felt he wanted/needed to but until then I would rest. Hopefully the boys would be returning within the next couple weeks and all would be peaceful. I laid in Liam’s bed and sighed as I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

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