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We sat our groceries on the table and Harry looked up at me. I smiled as I started putting away the groceries and hummed as I moved about the kitchen. Harry pulled out some beer from one of the bags and I looked over at him surprised. The look he gave me was one that he hadn't given me since he attempted to kill me.

“How much have you had to drink while I was shopping, Harry?” He shrugged as his hand glided over the knife block that sat on the counter. I put the food I was holding into the fridge and looked at Harry nervously.

“Harry, please don't do this. I don't want to hurt you.” Harry laughed.

“How the hell will you do that?” I felt around underneath the table trying to find the panic button that would call my father's gang. He wasn't worried about the gang hurting him, since he lead them, but he was concerned about the police officers he worked with finding out.

“Leah, I asked you a question.” I jumped as Harry whispered against my ear and held a knife against my throat. My thoughts had taken me away from Harry long enough for him to get the upperhand. I could smell the hard liquor on his breath and knew that I wasn't getting out of this one so I had to think. I knew with the training I got as a teenager from my father I could disarm Harry and take only a little damage but I would have to do something quick to prevent Harry from getting the upper hand once more. Harry grabbed my arms and lead me down the hallway until he came upon what used to be my bedroom when I came here with my dad. He threw me down on the bed and pointed to my shirt.

“Remove all your clothing. I want to see your body completely naked.” I nodded and stripped off my dirty and worn clothing. Harry kicked off his pants as well as cut off his own shirt before climbing on top of me. I tried to hide my body because I didn't want him to see the scars of my past and realize how ugly I am. He pinned my arms down and checked out my body before smirking.

“You're gorgeous, Leah.” I shivered under his words and cried out in pain as he shoved his hard penis inside of me. He groaned as he started thrusting in and out, slowly at first, but gradually gaining speed. I squirmed as he fucked me, trying to get away from his reach, but I only made him angrier. He stabbed the knife down into my right hand causing me to scream in agony. Harry had never done any permanent damage to me in all the attempts he has made on my life but I couldn't escape from a stab wound. It would scar and forever be seen by Harry and I.

Harry groaned my name out before finishing inside me and collapsing next to me. He cuddled into my side as I laid there with a bleeding hand that still had a knife sticking straight through it. I slowly slid out of the bed and went over to my closet, I found a nightgown that I used to love and slipped it on while avoiding the knife at all costs. I went down to the bathroom and bit onto a towel as I started pulling the knife out. The towel fell from my mouth as I screamed in agony trying to remove the knife. I finally pulled the last bit out and looked down at the wound panting from the pain, my blood was running down onto the floor as I looked around in the medicine cabinet for peroxide or alcohol to clean it with. I found some 91% alcohol and poured it into the knife wound gasping from the pain and trying to hold back my screams. I hurried back to my room to grab my old sewing kit and sat next to Harry while I sewed my hand shut on both sides. I went back to the bathroom to wrap my hand multiple times in gauze and tape it down. I looked around in the cabinet and found a bottle of amoxicillin that wasn't expired yet and popped one in my mouth before swallowing it. I had to make sure I didn't get sick because we wouldn't be able to go to the hospital. I slipped into what used to be my father's room and found his old biker gloves that I slipped over my hand to hide the wound. Harry wouldn't remember any of this in the morning so I didn't want to hurt him by letting him see it.

I felt faint from the pain but didn't pay any mind to it as I started making our breakfast of bacon and eggs. I laid them on our plates before going back in our room to wake him up.

“Harry, it's time to wake up and eat breakfast.” He groaned and held his head as he looked up at me then himself. I kept my hand hidden behind my back hoping that he wouldn't notice the blood above his head from my hand.

“What happened?” Harry groaned.

“You got drunk and we had sex, well, you had sex.” Harry’s eyes opened wide as he looked up at me.

“I..I raped you?” I nodded then walked over to him to help him put his clothing on so he wouldn't notice the blood on the bed.

“Before you start having a breakdown it's fine Harry. I’m not a virgin and I can't have kids so there's nothing to worry about, I promise.” Harry nodded obviously upset as to what he did. I helped him sit down to eat then went back to my room and stripped the bed sheets to replace them. I shoved the sheets in the closet and grabbed out a clean set that I quickly put on the bed before I returned to Harry. I sat down next to him so I could eat my breakfast and glanced over to see him staring at my back. The nightgown I had on was a black and red lace gown that barely went halfway down my thighs, it had a mostly open back so my scars would be visible.

“Leah, what happened to you that caused these?” I looked over at Harry.

“I haven't been completely honest with you Harry, my dad wasn't just a part of that gang, he ran it and my fiancé was his second in command. Regardless of my status to the gang we were all punished equally and when I wouldn't listen to Michael he would cut me once. I wasn't very good at listening.” I chuckled and Harry looked at me with a horrified look on his face.

“One Direction really is in a lot of danger. Is the gang going to be coming after us because we took you?” Harry sounded scared.

“Yes, Harry. Michael was sent to kill you because of our past but he had other motives for coming and if they think you killed him as well then the others are in danger, but that's why we had to run away. Further we are from them the safer they are and the gang can't travel so once they leave the country they'll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” I nodded.

“They're safe for now. I promise.” I kissed Harry softly which he returned. He grabbed my hand and I couldn't hold back the cry of pain. He lifted the glove off my hand and saw the bandages. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he looked away from me and focused on his food.

“Harry..” He shook his head.

“I could’ve killed you Leah...please let me be alone for a while.” I sighed and nodded as he stood up from the kitchen and walked into the bedroom before shutting the door. Maybe staying here wasn't a good idea afterall.

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