~Chapter 1: Meeting Heros and Getting Pie

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(A/N) Hey! What up cinnamon buns! Here is story for your precious minds. So read and relax. And hopefully if your lucky you could be as fabulous as me one day (jk) XD

You were taking a walk through the candy kingdom. It was a peaceful day, the sky was blue and birds were singing.

Hummed to yourself happily.

Yep, it was a peaceful, quiet day.

You stopped suddenly, in realization that you were board. You looked around and your eyes landed on the castle. You smiled at the thought of visiting your best friend, princess bubblegum.

You ran to the entrance, hoping that she was there and not doing her princessly duties.

~mini time skip from lazy author-chan~

You finally reached the entrance, and when you went to open the large candy doors, two banana stood in your way.

"umm..excuse me?" you asked politely "can I go in?"

The banana guards looked at each other and banana guard #1 said "uhhh I don't think so"

Your jaw dropped and you cocked your head to the side. "why not? I was here last week, i'm a friend of bubblegum!"

Banana guard gave you a confused expression. "you are?" he asked

The other banana guard shushed him "she could be lying." he said in a "whisper"

"well maybe you should take me to princess bubblegum, and she could decide if she knows me."

The banana guards nodded "yea that's a good idea!" he said.

You were now being escorted down the halls of the candy castle, to the ball room.

You knew that PB had been planning a royal ball, for her birthday. You have been invited of course, and it was masquerade.

You reached the room and PB was there, along with a boy in a white bear hood and a dog.

"Oh (Y/N)!" PB exclaimed happily as she gave you a hug.

The banana guards left you and went back to their posts.

"(Y/N), this is Fin and Jake." She said as she gestured to the two boys.

"what's up dudette?" Jake asked as he gave you a high five.

You smirked and petted his head "I'm doing good."

You giggled and scratched behind his ear. Jake fell to the floor and started to kick his leg.

You turned around to look at Fin, but he was just staring at you with a faint blush on his ks.

You smiled and waved in his direction "you ok, bro?"

Fin shook his head and waved back "h-hey!" he said

You were about to say something back, but PB pulled you aside. "i'm actually happy you came by. I need you to go pick up some apple pies from tree trunks."

You smiled and nodded "Of course PB, I wasn't really doing anything today any ways."

PB smiled and gave you a big hug. "Thanks (Y/N)! Your a life saver, oh and fin you should go with (Y/N) . The forest that tree trunks lives in has some totally globbed up monsters."

"sure thing Bubbs!" Fin answered.

You hooked your arm with Fin's and walked out of the castle.

~Le time skip to Da forest~

The two of you were walking peacefully through the forest.

"I don't know why PB said there were monsters." you said as you picked a (Favourite flower) "I've been here a thousand times and i've never seen a monster."

Fin chuckled "Really? Every time Jake and I been here, we've always ran into some sort of evil creature.

"wow..." you sighed as you dropped the flower you were holding.

"what's the matter?" Fin asked and he picked up the flower you dropped.

"well..." you started "its that PB has told me so much about you and Jake. You two are always saving princesses and defeating monsters and...and...well being heros. I've always wanted to be one but no matter how hard I try I never can run into any monsters, or people that need to be saved. So I guess you could say that i've never had the chance to be one."

Fin gave you a reassuring smile "i'm sure that one day you will have a chance. And when that chance comes every one will see you as a hero." he then brushed back your (h/c) hair. And placed the flower behind your ear.

"Thanks Fin!" you said cheerfully as you gave him a hug.

Fin blushed and hugged back.

"come on now! Lets go get them pies." you said as you let go of Fin.

I just want to be a hero (Fin x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora