Here we go again

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This is the first fanfic I've ever written so it's probably not going to be very good... I think this chapter will be mostly if not all be in Dean's P.O.V. But if anyone happens to read this let me know what you think and if I should continue!

~Dean's P.O.V~
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *click* Dean groaned as he shut of the alarm clock. 7:00 a.m. Here we go again. Another stupid school in another stupid town with more stupid people. Hooray.

He lazily sat up and rubbed his eyes before standing up and getting dressed. "I'll just stick with the usual." he mumbled before reaching in different drawers and grabbing jeans, a gray shirt, and a plaid shirt. He threw them on and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Of course Sammy was already down there packed and ready to go. Somehow he always keeps his hopes up for each school despite getting picked on all the time. 'Hopefully since he's moved up to high school with me I can keep an eye on him and protect my little brother.' Dean thought.

"Mornin' Dean.", Sam said as he poured two bowls of cereal.
"Mornin' Sammy.", Dean said with a sigh.
"I see you're excited for school.", Sam replied sarcastically.
"Yeah well I'm not one of those freaks who likes school.", Dean chuckled back to Sam, who laughed and jokingly hit his shoulder.

After they finished their cereal, Dean put on his leather jacket and grabbed the bag Sam had packed for them, and they headed out the door.
"Hey baby." Dean said smiling at his 67 Chevy Impala. Sam just smiled and rolled his eyes. They then got in the car and drove to school.

When they got there Dean hugged Sam, wished him luck, and said, "Hey if anyone bothers you at all, and I mean at all, Sammy we're in the same school so you had better come and get me."
"Yeah yeah I got it the first 200 times you said it.", Sam replied with a small smile before they both got out and headed to their first classes.

The school year was already 2 months in, and Dean was going to be the new kid. Again. You'd think he'd be used to it by now, but he could always feel everyone's eyes on him. And yeah, he could put up a cool guy act, but he didn't like not knowing what they thought about him.

He walked into class just as everyone else sat down, and he scanned his eyes across the room to see what people he was going to be dealing with for the next year. 'Boring, boring, I'm gonna bang her, boring, her too, boring boring, BLUE.' Holy shit he'd never seen anything that blue before. Those eyes were so blue... Those eyes... HIS EYES!?!? Nope, nopety NO. Dean does NOT swing that way.

His thoughts were interrupted by the teacher. "You must be Dean, I was told you'd be coming today."

"Uhh ye-yeah." Dean managed to say. He couldn't quite think right now for some reason.

"Attention class! This is our new student Dean Winchester. I trust you will all be very welcoming to your new classmate.", the teacher said before saying directly to Dean, "We have one seat left in the back next to Castiel Novak. He is a bright student, and I'm sure he'll help you out if you need anything." Dean's eyes followed where the teacher was pointing and they landed on... blue. Great, he was going to sit next to 'Castiel Novak' for the next year. Dean could already tell that he did not like this kid one bit.

Swing that way (Destiel High school AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora