This oughta be fun

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So I'm really torn right now because I love slow build ups for stories like this but at the same time I want them to make out right about meow, so like.... Idk. We'll see how it plays out.

~Dean's P.O.V~
*BEEP* *BEEP* *click* "Day #2, lets do this.", Dean said, getting up with less trouble than usual. He felt somewhat determined. He didn't know what for though. Maybe Sam was rubbing off on him.

After he got dressed in the usual Dean 'fashion', he headed downstairs where Sam was making toaster waffles. He looked up at Dean with a somewhat surprised expression.
"Woah, Dean since when do mornings not make you look like you want to set everything on fire?"
"Shut up Sammy, I don't feel like crap for once let me enjoy it." Dean chuckled at Sam as he said it, just realizing how long it had been since he woke up in a good mood.

They ate their waffles in silence then headed to school. Typically this would be the point in the day where he complained about spending 8 hours in a glorified prison, but he didn't really care. He was actually thinking about Castiel. No no, not like that, he just wanted to apologize for being a douche.

When they got to school they wished each other good luck and headed their separate ways. They were actually a little bit early to school for once. Dean hurried inside hoping to see Castiel. He walked into his first class and scanned the room looking for a specific-'Blue. Good, he's here.'
"Hey Cas. Oh, uh, can I call you Cas?"
"I suppose."
"Cool. So, I felt kinda bad about yesterday. I think I was just upset I didn't quite get the lesson, and I was, I was just being a jerk."
"It's fine. It happens more often than you'd think. I don't really mind anymore. So I mean, if you still want to learn I can endure the mediocre insults.", Cas joked.
"Yeah, I mean it would be nice to not get an F for once. Hell, if you could get me up to a D I'd be impressed!"
"I'm busy today and tomorrow, but I could come over Thursday if your free."
"Yeah, Thursday should work."
Dean was actually kind of excited to learn. 'I've been spending too much time with Sam.'
"Alright class zip your lips. Eyes up here.", Mr. Singer said as he walked into class. "Ya idjits are gonna learn some Ancient Greek mythology."
As Mr. Singer was talking about some Priapus dude or whatever, Dean looked over at Cas who was already taking notes. He was interrupted by a girl on his right tapping his shoulder.
"Hi, I'm Lisa!", she whispered as she smiled.
"Dean." He gave her his signature charming smile and just like that he had her wrapped around his finger.

After class ended, Dean noticed Lisa hurry out of class before he headed to his locker. When he opened it, a small note fell out. It read:
"Hoping I put this in the right locker! Here's my number ;)
-Lisa XOXO"
Dean cheekily smiled to himself before adding the number to his phone. 'This oughta be fun.'

~Time skip to lunch bc I'm the boss~

Dean sat at the same table as the day before, but this time it was not Castiel who joined him.
"Heyyy Dean!"
"Oh, hi Lisa."
"Did you get my note?"
"Yup, you got the right locker."
They both chuckled.
"So, you wanna come over tonight?", Dean said as he raised his eyebrows.
"What do you wanna do?"
"Oh, I think you know." Lisa winked as she said that, and Dean knew he was in business.
"Sounds good to me.", he smirked back at her as she stood up and left. She walked a certain way that really drew attention to her...'Damn.' She smirked back over her shoulder. Oh she knew what she was doing. 'This oughta be fun.'

Swing that way (Destiel High school AU)Where stories live. Discover now