There's something off... Right?

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I'm kind of just coming up with this as I write it, so if you have any ideas/suggestions, just let me know and I'll credit you if I do end up using them. Also if you want any other supernatural character ships, let me about that too. I'm pretty sure I'm going to add some Sabriel in the the future also. Anyways, on with the story...

~Dean's P.O.V~
Dean walked to the back of the classroom and sat down at the desk next to 'Castiel'. Pfft. What kind of name even is that? Dean didn't realize he was looking directly at Castiel until he turned to Dean and said with an awkward smile,
"Oh, um, hi! I'm Castiel!", and he held out his hand for Dean to shake. Dean hesitantly shook it and simply replied,
"Dean." However, for some reason couldn't help smiling back to him.

The teacher unknowingly interrupted them saying, "So in case you don't know my name is Mr. Singer, and we're going to....."
Dean stopped listening at this point. He didn't really start listening again until it was lunchtime.

He grabbed his bag and headed to lunch where he found a nice empty table and decided to sit there. Then guess who came along and sat down right across from him. Here's a hint: blue.

"Hello Dean.", Castiel said with a shy smile.

Why was it so cute? 'Oh -wait- no not like cute but he-it was just... That's not what I meant.' Dean smiled back politely, but in his head he was trying to correct his previous thoughts. 'Why does he want to talk to me? Why won't he leave me alone.'

"So how are you liking it here?" Castiel said, pulling his lunch out and beginning to eat.

"Uh, it's fine I guess... I already know I'm going to fail most of my classes though. But hey, it's just another school."

Castiel tilted his head a bit and squinted out of confusion.

Dean noticed it, ('how could you not'), and replied, "My Dad and brother and I move around a lot, and we have to change schools everytime."

"That makes sense. Oh, and if you want any help with your grades I could help. I'm a straight A student and I tutor a few kids from school."

"Yeah, um, that's uh, that's nice and all, but I doubt I'll be here for more than a year so I don't care to much about the grades I get here."
"Well when you go to another school you're going to be learning the same subjects, so it might be helpful to just-"

"Fine. When do we start?", Dean sighed. He never gave into anything that fast, but maybe he thought 'Castiel' had a point...?

"Well if you're ready we could start today after school."

"Alright. We can do it at my house if that's fine."

"Uh, yeah. That sounds fine. Do you think I could catch a ride with you though? I don't have a car yet."

"No problem."

When lunch was over they headed back to class, and after a few more grueling hours, school was out.

Dean waited for Castiel and Sam at his car, and Sammy showed up first. "Hey Sam how was your first day.", Dean asked.

Sam just shrugged and opened the passenger door.

"Oh, Sam, can you sit in the back today? I'm uh, giving someone a ride." Sam just glared at Dean before closing the door and getting in the back instead. It was then that Castiel showed up.

"Hello Dean.", he said approaching the impala.

"Who is that?", he gestured to Sam in the backseat.

"Oh that's my little brother Sam. He's in 9th grade, but he's smarter than a 9th grader if you ask me."

"Oh I have a brother his age. His name is Gabriel, he's been out sick though. Hey since Sam is pretty smart, maybe he could help Gabe out with schoolwork when he gets over his cold. I would do it but I'm usually tutoring people in our grade."

"Yeah, Sam could probably do with someone to kill time with.", Dean said as they got into the car.

"Sammy this is Castiel, he is going to be  uh, tutoring me.", Dean said with a polite/fake grin. "And his brother Gabe is out sick right now, but when he gets better are you cool with helping him out with schoolwork?"
"Sure." Sam replied.

The car ride home was mostly filled with awkward silences and to be honest pretty boring small talk. But soon enough they were home.

Sam went right to his room to do homework no doubt.

"We can study in my room.", Dean said to Castiel while motioning to his bedroom door. They walked into Dean's room and he threw his book bag onto his bed before taking off his leather jacket an hanging it on a hook beside the door. Then he pulled out the padded armchair from his desk and faced it towards the bed. He motioned Castiel to the chair and then sat on the bed saying, "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, we should start with whatever you think needs the most work.", Castiel said sitting in the provided chair.

"I don't know, uh, math I guess."

"Ok, the lesson plan so far should be a relatively simple starting subject."

*27 minutes later*

"UGHH!", Dean groaned. "I'm never going to get it. I thought you were supposed to be good at tutoring.", he said as he covered his face with his hands, slouching a little to rest his elbows on his knees. Castiel closed the textbook they had been using and stood up to go and sit next to Dean. He put his hand on Dean's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you'll get it. Let's just take a break for now though, ok?"
Dean found himself just barely leaning into Castiel's touch as he looked back at him, unable to break the gaze from that mesmerizing 'blue'. Castiel was looking back at him, seeming just as entranced by Dean's eyes. After a moment Dean snapped himself out of it thinking, 'Dean Winchester does NOT swing that way!'
"Yeah." Dean cleared his throat. "A break sounds good.", he said, quickly standing up. "You hungry?"
"I suppose." Castiel seemed a little surprised at Dean's sudden change in behavior.

They both walked into the kitchen where Sam was making himself a sandwich.
"Hey Dean, how's the tutoring going." Sam said with a smirk, knowing how Dean was with school.
"Ask Mr. Trenchcoat over here.", Dean said making fun of Castiel's coat.
"Cut the guy some slack Dean, after all he does have to tutor you.", Sam said, defending 'Mr.Trenchcoat'.
"Yeah well he ain't doing so good with that.", Dean said, glaring at Castiel. Sam saw Dean's glare and realized he wasn't trying to joke or be funny, and gave him a confused look.
"You know, I should probably get going to make sure Gabe is feeling okay.", Castiel said awkwardly, and grabbed his bag.
"Yeah, you do that.", Dean said and rolled his eyes. Right after Castiel left and shut the door, Sam exclaimed to Dean,"What the hell dude!"
"He's being nice and tutoring you for free, and you were being a real jerk to him!"
"Sam, there's something off about him, and I don't like him!"
"Dean there's nothing wrong with him, he seems like a really nice person. Sorry to have to say it, but you're being the douchebag here."
Dean knew Sam was right. But he would never admit that.
"Pfffttt. Whatever.", Dean said, then went to his room and closed the door. 'Sam is right. But I do not like this kid one bit!... Right?'

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