You can call me 'The Trickster'

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There's finally some Sabriel! Also if this chapter is crappy it's probably because I wrote part of it on the toilet. That is all. Continue.

~Sam's P.O.V~

After Mr. Shurley's class was over, the students walked out of class (half of them having an existential crisis). But as soon as Sam was out the door, somebody ran into him full force and knocked him down.

"Sorry.", he said, and offered Sam a hand up, which Sam took. He then smiled and continued to sprint down the hall.
"GET BACK HERE YOU TRICKSTER!", someone shouted from around the corner. Sam then saw the school's most notorious douche bag-Dick Roman -run after this 'Trickster'. He had a fishing net wrapped loosely around him, and it was covered in roughly 30 to 35 polka dot rubber chickens. Everyone laughed at the rubber chickens swinging as he ran, and Sam couldn't help but to let out a little chuckle.

Sam went to his next class, literature, and sat at a desk. A few moments later, the 'Trickster' walked in and sat to his right, one seat over. He turned and smirked at Sam and was about to say something before quickly turning back as the teacher walked in.
"Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind... Can anyone tell me who wrote that?"
Sam raised his hand immediately. But Mr. Marve turned to Sam's right.
"Mr. Trickster,", he chuckled, "can you tell me who wrote that?"
He just stopped drawing on the scrap paper in front of him, nonchalantly looked up, and replied,"Dr. Seuss."
"That's um...", Mr. Marve cleared his throat, "correct." The class lightly chuckled, and he continued with his lesson plan. As he began talking about the 'hidden meaning' in poems/books, Sam tried to take notes and pay attention, but he felt someone looking at him. He looked to where he felt the eyes from, and sure enough, one seat over to his right, there were two golden eyes looking at him. But not for long, as they quickly turned away upon being noticed. Sam then focused back on the lesson, slightly confused. 'Whatever, he probably just thinks I'm a nerd or something.'

~Time skip to lunch if u don't like it fight me m8~

Sam walked over and sat next to Kevin, who had already started eating a hot dog.
"Hey Kevin.", Sam politely said, as he sat down and began to unpack his own lunch.
"How's it going Sam?", Kevin replied, mouth still full.
As Sam was about to reply, the same golden eyed boy from earlier came and sat across from Sam.
"Hey, you must be new here. What's your name?", he said.
"Uh, S-Sam Winchester."
"Oh, you're the kid my brother was telling me about, the one who's gonna help me with homework?"
"That would be me... You must be Gabriel then."
"Yeah, but you can call me..."The Trickster! But Gabe works too." They both chuckled, and Sam said, "Well whenever you want to start just let me know."
"Actually if you don't have plans we could start after school."
"Yeah that's fine."
"Oh, and do you think we could do it at your house? I have A LOT of siblings, and they can cause quite a ruckus."
"Yeah, you can ride with my brother and I if you want too."
"Uh, yeah! Can't wait to uh, learn!", Gabe said somewhat sarcastically, walking away from the table.
"Ok, see you later."
Sam waved to Gabe, then pulled out his phone and sent a text to his brother.

~Dean's P.O.V~

"Hey Dean. I met Gabe. He said we can study at our house after school today. He'll need a ride though. Ok?", Dean read before replying, "Ok. See ya later Sammy." Dean walked over to Cas, who was sitting by himself at a lunch table. He sat across from him, and said, "Sam met Gabe. They're gonna study after school."
"Hmm. That's nice.", Cas replied with a small and genuine smile. "I'm glad he's making friends."
"Does he not have friends?", Dean asked, slightly confused."
"Well, he- actually you know what it's a long story.", Cas said, suddenly clamming up a little bit.
"Uh, okay...?", Dean said, noticing Cas was uncomfortable. "Are uh, are we still on for tomorrow? You know, studying?"
"Yes, of course."
"Great.", Dean said and looked up from his food and at Cas who was already looking at him. Then there was... 'Perfectly platonic eye contact with no funny business going on.' That's what Dean told himself anyways. Then the bell rang. They broke eye contact and awkwardly packed any leftover lunch away before heading to their next classes. Then after a few more hours, it was finally time to go home.

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