Chapter 1

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(*Yuki's P.O.V.*)

    Another wonderful year is going to be spent at the lovely Ouran Academy, not so much. This place was practicably Hell for me, since A. I have a bunch of bullies on my ass B. I can never pay attention to my school work C. Nobody likes me. Well almost nobody, I am not positive if they like me or just trying me to go to there club, but the Men- I mean boys at the host club. They say they have this whole policy about "Making every girl happy", but I believe that is physically impossible. I am not saying I am depressed or something, but I am not a happy camper. 

    I get into my uniform and look at myself. My long black is in its normal pigtails, normal shoes, normal everything. Besides one detail, my younger sister's necklace, it was old and poorly made, but it is what I have left of her, she has died about two weeks ago in a car accident. I kind of just started to accept that she is gone. Recently my home was a place of frowning and sorrow, since this happened. Well, now is a better time to go than ever. I walk out of an empty apartment (I know I go to Ouran Academy, the home of the rich, but I am trying to prove to my mother that I can be an adult, so she bought me this apartment, I like the solitude,) school is not far from here, welcome new year, leave as soon as you can. 

    Well here I am I hope this year will be a little bit good, since my last year of Middle School. I can remember the graduation ceremony and what they have done too me.....  

    Maybe for once things will work out good for me, I just know that Miyu and her little group thing is just going to screw me over. It is just not fair, just cause my family was a minor business and I don't look the greatest doesn't me she is higher than me in anyway. Who cares, not me. Forget about them, this is the first time my little sister, Takuya will be at the middle school, considering she is one that is likable that I know, well my parents, but they are never there. Besides that I have to get ready to say my speech, I have it all ready, with perfect grammar and everything. Well I should go over it again before I have to say it....

   After the announced the graduating students, I get to say my speech before they give us permission to leave. They say my name and I step up to the podium and start by saying my name and then I start giving my speech. I recite an Shakespeare quote, but I can hear a bang from above, I look up to see a big can of orange paint falling my way. The bucket lands directly on my head and the paint splatters all around me and on my white gown. I hold where the can hit my head, and I look at the audience and all of them are laughing at me, I look to my family Dad is has his hand in his face, Mom is hiding behind her camera and Takuya looks like she is crying. I quickly run of the stage and run into the family bathroom and lock the door, but when I was closing the door I saw a guy. I quickly get into the corner and start crying into the only part of my body that is not orange.

   Well I should try to forget about it, I mean not everyone I know is going to be in this High School,right? I should just start to find my homeroom, it will be weird because I will be the only one who does not know where to go. Well since I went on a business trip with my dad I missed the first three weeks and I only have been keeping in touch with one person from school. I don't know who it was, but I know it is a guy. Well since I am here now lets see..... Class 1A, Okay I just need to find the room. Okay Up the stairs down the east end last classroom to the right, here! Class 1A, well here goes a new year. I step in the room to see many people I know and I don't know, lets see Mei, Beniko, The two gingers, a nerdy looking guy and Oh god....... Miyu. Well lets see the empty seat is between red head two and Emi, a younger, prettier girl than I. Well I sit down before the teacher comes in. 

   "Well look who it is it is Kaoru, little miss quiet." Says Hikaru, the older one.

   "Oh, it seems we have found the little person we needed to see, Hikaru" Says Kaoru, the younger one who was smirking at the other. 

   "What do you two want?!?" I say to them in a angry tone.

   "No need to sound so sassy Yuki, we just need you to come to the host club for us," Says Kaoru "It is in the music room in the 3rd floor, if you don't come," Says Hikaru. "We will find you~!" They say in unison. Why would I go to there damn club, there is nothing of use to me there. Well, I nothing better to do, I guess I can stop by. They walk back to there seats and the class starts, damn first day and I already thinking of excuses to stay home. 

    Well here it is the music room on the 3rd floor, I hope they are not like spamming me and going to leave me with an empty room. Well, time to go inside. I open the door to have a bunch of rose petals come in my direction. Then I see about six boys that I recognize, all say welcome at the same time......... I am not impressed this place it is a bit to flashy. Most of them walk the other way, but the two twins come towards me. 

    "Good you have came," Says the one twin

    "But you are seven minutes late, tsk tsk." Says the other. I sigh at least they aren't pranking me.

    "Well, what do you exactly want to do with my life?" I say bitterly, well they are not my friends so I do not really want to get involved with them, maybe the just want the answers to the math homework. 

    "Our friend, Kyoya would like to talk to you about something," Says one of them while the other grabs my arm and drags me to a tall guy with jet black hair. On the way I saw the Blondie and that nerdy kid that I saw in homeroom, why would he be here? Whatever.

    "Hello Miss Sato, I believe that you are wondering why we brought you here, yes?" He says while jotting something down in his notebook. 

     "Yes, I would like to know that." I say looking towards the twin who still had his grip on my arm. "Excuse me?" He quickly pulled away and walk towards his brother. 

    "Well, as you can see I am the one who manages most of the things around here, and also seeing that you are a pretty serious person your self, we would believe that you will be a perfect person for our little job." He says finally looking up from his notebook, what the hell is in there anyways?

    "And what may that job be?" I ask him and he smiles down as me. 

    "Basically we need a girl's opinion about the events, decorations, costumes and basically the whole quality of the host club. In conclusion we need your input on everything we do around here and of course we will give you a small amount of money for your services. Well Miss Sato Would you like to help us out?" He says, wait why would they want me around here, wouldn't I be a total turn off? Well it is not like I will be one of them, but I guess I should, maybe I can become friends with some of these people. I don't have a lot, but these people might be nice to me.

    "Well Mister Kyoya, it would look like you have a deal," I smile after saying that and he starts to announce this.

    "Well my fellow club members it would seem that Missy here has accepted our invitation." The others start walking towards me, with smiles on their faces.

    "Welcome!" Says the twins as a little blonde boy runs towards me and gives me a hug.

    "Hello Yuki! I'm Honey! I am going to call you Ne-Chan~! Maybe you would want to have some cake later~!" He says to me, he has a cute little uniform, little haircut and a cute bunny~!

    "I g-guess," I say while his taller friend smiles and nods at me. He was the tallest with black hair and a less serious haircut than the others, he has a really nice smile, but he doesn't look like he does it often. The blonde and nerd came towards me. 

    "Welcome," As the blonde takes my hand and kisses it. "My name is Tamaki Souh, but you can call me anything you like~!" That guy has a little to much confidence, with his blond hair and blue/violet glowing eyes. 

    "H-Haruhi," The nerdy kid says with his head down, wonder why he is so upset. He was a stereotypical nerd, with the glasses and a outfit that looks a little bit like the uniform, but not really.    

    Well looking around here and with these guys might not be such a bad thing, maybe I will have a good experience my high school years. I might just say good bye to my life for a little while and live in a world of tranquility. I am willing to take this chance. 

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