Chapter 4

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(*Yuki's POV*) 


I awake the next morning with a large yawn, scratch in the back of my head and the laundry I refused to do last night. I quickly get out of my bed and get ready with my morning routine . I glance a bit to my side to see the untouched opened box from yesterday afternoon surprise. I swiftly pick up the box and I decide to put it on my dresser as a decoration, whoever sent it maybe won't think of it as a total waste when they see I didn't wear it. I grab an apple real quick, I'm not much of a breakfast person, something small is usually ideal. I start to gnaw at my apple when I lock my apartments door. I start to walk towards the academy, a young commoner couple are running towards the other school, the public school. I shiver as I think of that informal place. Then something clicks in my head, what if somebody sent me the necklace because they like me! I never had anyone besides family that like me. A warm feeling arises in my chest and I can feel the warmness of my cheeks against the crisp air. I never had a real friend, people I casually talk to so I don't feel like I'm completely alone, but not somebody who I can turn to. Now I am no longer alone. Not only do I have one friend, I have multiple, Mei, Beniko, Emi, Tobi, even the freak show host club members could be my friends.  

When I arrive at the academy I practically dance through the doors, I have a large grin on my face and I'm actually excited to see my classm- friends. I see messy head of hair of dark hair and the straight short of my friends. I do something I could have never done before.  

"Hey Emi, Beniko!" I yell, they both turn around and smile. I try to catch up to them and they wait for me. They quickly exchange a glace before saying anything. Emi grins at Beniko. 

"Hey Yuki, your awfully happy today," Emi says. Happy, I'm ecstatic! "Did you meet some handsome Romeo and your planning to run away with him?" She lets out a little giggle with this and Beniko lets out a little scoff. 

"You girls thinking romance is the most important thing in life." Emi almost has the same exact scoff that Beniko did when he said that and she punches him in the arm a bit. 

"Beniko you have no right to say that in your situation!" She semi yells at him, I give them both a confused look and they both look at me. They are both confusing, I think I'm just going to go. 

"Welp, I'll let you two settle this, I gonna get to class." I let out a little smile, Emi moves her head a little and Beniko just waves. I continue to the class room and sit down in my seat, those two were really strange.

Emi told me that I should sit at their table everyday, I gladly accept because I really didn't have another place to sit anyways, I sit next to Emi once again. She quickly smiles at me and glances in the other direction. Beniko has his nose in a book again, only looking up to see who's sitting down, but Mei and Tomi are nowhere to be seen. 

"Hey, where is the other two?" I ask and Emi giggles. 

"They probably found a closet," She is still laughing. Why would they be in a closet? "Oh Yuki, you don't know do you?" I don't know what? "Mei and Tomi been dating for a while." I really should have guessed that one, wow I'm oblivious. When I was about to say something back I hear a slight screech from Emi. She I standing up and trying to wipe something off her dress, I look to the table to see that Beniko ice tea spilled all over her dress and his book. I quickly stand up too. 

"Emi, me and Beniko will clean the table up, I think you should go to the bathroom and clean up your dress." Emi looks like she is in shock and she simply nods at me and head in the other direction. "I'll get the paper towels, you can get the other things off the table." He smiles and nods, I go to the area where the food is served and ask the lady behind the counter for paper towels, she gives me a whole roll and I walk back to the table, it looks like Emi is not having the greatest day. I quickly give Beniko a ball of paper towel and we both wipe down the table. We both clean in complete silence until my hand bumps into his, I look up to say sorry, but his face is extremely red.  

"Do you have a cold?" I ask him and looks down at me confused. "Everytime I see you your face gets red and redder, do you have a fever?" I ask once again. 

"Uh, no its natural." He says to me, then he mutters. "Especially when I'm around you."  

"Well I live in a pretty dusty apartment-." He cuts me off. 

"No its not that your place is dusty and I don't have a cold or some sort of allergies..." His voice gets a little quieter. "It's just that I really like you..." He stands there staring right at me, and I am petrified. I just figured out I had real friends this morning, but someone liking me like that, it feels so foreign. What should I say to that.  

"Uh... Nobody really liked me before, so I don't really know what to say." I glance towards him and he has the most genuine smile I seen from him. "I can't say that I thought about you that way before, but I won't say that this won't work, so I guess we should try to be together." I smile to myself, I look up to Beniko for a second and I give him a quick peck on the cheek. I hold my dress and sprint to the bathroom, I have a feeling warmer than this morning and I just go need to tell somebody, so I run into the bathroom to see that Emi is still working on the stain on her bright yellow dress and I pretty much prance towards. 

"Emi! Emi, you have no idea what happened to me!" I squealed excitedly, and she smiles at me. 

"Yes I do, I am honestly shocked that you said yes, you gave me that independent young woman vibe." She says. "I was planning that with Mei for months, we were waiting for Beniko to grow some balls!" I giggle, knowing that it was planned makes me feel like it was a bit fake, but not fake enough to make me worry about it. I just knew I was happy.

I went up to the Host Club a bit late today, I almost forgot I was a part of that with all that's happening to me. Even though I am late, I think the only two actually noticed were the twins. They didn't do much more than glare at me. I sit at my reserve table in the corner and start looking at a traditional Japanese theme, it looks really adorable, I can imagine cute little Honey in one of the kimono's. I catch myself humming to myself. Today was a really easy day at the Host club, nobody was here yet, so I was thinking about just walking out. But I overhear the two in the corner talking about me. 

"You know you said that you wouldn't 'help' her anymore." 

"Well if she wants to be stupid she can be it, but when she regrets it I won't bother helping her" 

"What if she doesn't regret it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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